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Cited By
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- Cornejo C, Regis G, Aguirre N and Frias M (2023). A Study of the Electrum and DynAlloy Dynamic Behavior Notations, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 49:11, (4946-4963), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2023.
- Hirsch R and Šemrl J Demonic lattices and semilattices in relational semigroups with ordinary composition Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, (1-10)
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- Liu Y, Li Y, Lin S and Zhao R Towards automated verification of smart contract fairness Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, (666-677)
- Jacobs B (2019). The mathematics of changing one's mind, via Jeffrey's or via Pearl's update rule, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 65:1, (783-806), Online publication date: 1-May-2019.
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- Regis G, Cornejo C, Gutiérrez Brida S, Politano M, Raverta F, Ponzio P, Aguirre N, Galeotti J and Frias M DynAlloy analyzer: a tool for the specification and analysis of alloy models with dynamic behaviour Proceedings of the 2017 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering, (969-973)
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Index Terms
- Predicate calculus and program semantics
A Fixpoint Semantics and an SLD-Resolution Calculus for Modal Logic Programs
We propose a modal logic programming language called MProlog, which is as expressive as the general modal Horn fragment. We give a fixpoint semantics and an SLD-resolution calculus for MProlog in all of the basic serial modal logics KD, T, KDB, B, KD4, ...
A fixpoint semantics and an SLD-resolution calculus for modal logic programs
We propose a modal logic programming language called MProlog, which is as expressive as the general modal Horn fragment. We give a fixpoint semantics and an SLD-resolution calculus for MProlog in all of the basic serial modal logics KD, T, KDB, B, KD4, ...
On Kripke-style Semantics for the Provability Logic of Gödel's Proof Predicate with Quantifiers on Proofs
Kripke-style semantics is suggested for the provability logic with quantifiers on proofs corresponding to the standard Gödel proof predicate. It is proved that the set of valid formulas is decidable. The arithmetical completeness is still an open issue.