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Cited By
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- Howarth R (2005). Spatial Models for Wide-Area Visual Surveillance, Artificial Intelligence Review, 23:2, (97-155), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2005.
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- Tousidou E and Manolopoulos Y A performance comparison of quadtree-based access methods for thematic maps Proceedings of the 2000 ACM symposium on Applied computing - Volume 1, (381-388)
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- Brodsky A, Lassez C, Lassez J and Maher M Separability of polyhedra for optimal filtering of spatial and constraint data Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, (54-65)
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Index Terms
- Efficient structures for geometric data management
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Computing general geometric structures on surfaces using Ricci flow
Systematically generalizing planar geometric algorithms to manifold domains is of fundamental importance in computer aided design field. This paper proposes a novel theoretic framework, geometric structure, to conquer this problem. In order to discover ...
Surface deformation with differential geometric structures
This paper considers the deformation of a given surface to a surface that smoothly connects to previously designed surfaces while reflecting the overall shape of the initial surface. We introduce deformation energy using a Laplacian-based functional, ...