From the Publisher:
Although virtually every major database vendor adds objects to their database engines, their approaches vastly differ. Inside the Database Object Model: explores the history and architecture of database system and the evolution of object technology; examines the differences between relational database approach and the approach to object technology; describes how major vendors approach basic object constructs, including encapsulation, abstract data types, polymorphisms, and aggregate objects; describes how inheritance can be used with database objects; outlines how to couple data with behavior using models; demonstrates how C++ applications store data in a relational database; identifies how Oracle, the world's leading relational database, extends SQL to exist with objects; enables readers to design and implement real-world objects using object/relational technology. This book provides excellent transitional advice for database administrators, database designers and analysts, and applications programmers.
Model Transformation From Object Relational Database to NoSQL Document Database
NISS '19: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & SecurityWith the high increase of data growing, NoSQL databases play a key role in storing large amount of data, to gain flexibility and scalability many industries are now replacing their relational and object relational databases by adopting NoSQL database ...
Model Transformation From Object Relational Database to NoSQL Column Based Database
NISS '20: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & SecurityNoSQL databases play an important role in saving a huge amount of data. To benefit from the advantages of horizontal scalability and flexibility and with the fast data growing many companies are now replacing their traditional database management ...
Object Deputy Database Language
C5 '06: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through ComputingObject deputy model can provide more flexibility than traditional object-oriented data model. Based on it, we have developed a database management system called TOTEM. In this paper, we introduce the object deputy database languages including object ...