Web caching and replication provides essential material based on the extensive real-world experience of two experts from AT & T Labs. This comprehensive examination of caching, replication, and load-balacing practices for the Web brings together information from and for the commercial world, including real-life products; technical standards communities, such as IETF and W3C; and academic research.
Cited By
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Index Terms
- Web caching and replication
Analysis of Caching and Replication Strategies for Web Applications
Developers often use replication and caching mechanisms to enhance Web application performance. The authors present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of state-of-the art replication and caching techniques used to host Web applications. Their ...
Web caching: A way to improve web QoS
AbstractAs the Internet and World Wide Web grow at a fast pace, it is essential that the Web's performance should keep up with increased demand and expectations. Web Caching technology has been widely accepted as one of the effective approaches to ...