No abstract available.
Cited By
- Cacho N, César T, Filipe T, Soares E, Cassio A, Souza R, Garcia I, Barbosa E and Garcia A Trading robustness for maintainability: an empirical study of evolving c# programs Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering, (584-595)
- Zheng S and Yang H An approach to supporting architecture evolution in Internetware Proceedings of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware, (1-9)
- Zhou J, Zheng S, Jing D and Yang H An approach of creative application evolution on cloud computing platform Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (54-58)
- Anjos E and Zenha-Rela M A framework for classifying and comparing software architecture tools for quality evaluation Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Computational science and Its applications - Volume Part V, (270-282)
- Binkley D Source Code Analysis 2007 Future of Software Engineering, (104-119)
- Ward M and Zedan H (2007). Slicing as a program transformation, ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 29:2, (7-es), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2007.
Index Terms
- Successful Evolution of Software Systems
Evolution is essential for software tool development
WCRE '95: Proceedings of the Second Working Conference on Reverse EngineeringWe examine the problems encountered in evolving software development tools, in particular, configuration management tools, drawing on our experience in producing the DaSC configuration management toolset. Building good software development tools is a ...
Software evolution: background, theory, practice
Special issue: Contribution to computing scienceThis paper opens with a brief summary of some 30 years of study of the software evolution phenomenon. The results of those studies include the SPE program classification, a principle of software uncertainty and laws of E-type software evolution. The ...
Evolution Is Essential for Software Tool Development
CASE '95: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software EngineeringWe examine the problems encountered in evolving software development tools, in particular, configuration management tools, drawing on our experience in producing the DaSC configuration management toolset. Building good software development tools is a ...