From the Publisher:
This exciting new text covers artificial neural networks,but more specifically,neurocomputing. Neurocomputing is concerned with processing information,which involves a learning process within an artificial neural network architecture. This neural architecture responds to inputs according to a defined learning rule and then the trained network can be used to perform certain tasks depending on the application. Neurocomputing can play an important role in solving certain problems such as pattern recognition,optimization,event classification,control and identification of nonlinear systems,and statistical analysis.
"Principles of Neurocomputing for Science and Engineering," unlike other neural networks texts,is written specifically for scientists and engineers who want to apply neural networks to solve complex problems. For each neurocomputing concept,a solid mathematical foundation is presented along with illustrative examples to accompany that particular architecture and associated training algorithm.
The book is primarily intended for graduate-level neural networks courses,but in some instances may be used at the undergraduate level. The book includes many detailed examples and an extensive set of end-of-chapter problems.
Cited By
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