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Cited By
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- Daun M, Brings J and Weyer T A semi-automated approach to foster the validation of collaborative networks of cyber-physical systems Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems, (6-12)
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- Yang H, Kim M, Park S and Sugumaran V A process and tool support for managing activity and resource conflicts based on requirements classification Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, (114-125)
- Harris H and Ryan M Theoretical foundations of updating systems Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, (291-294)
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- Whittle J and Schumann J Generating statechart designs from scenarios Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Software engineering, (314-323)
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- Kimbler K, Hagenfeldt C, Ellsberger J and Bergman G An Environment for IN Service Prototyping and Validation Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligence and Services in Networks: Paving the Way for an Open Service Market, (315-327)
- Lee K, Kang K, Kim S and Lee J Feature-Oriented Engineering of PBX Software Proceedings of the Sixth Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference
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Feature interactions in telecommunications systems
The problems of defining features, services, and feature interactions in telecommunication systems are discussed. Several ways of classifying feature interactions are surveyed. Existing approaches for solving the feature-interaction problem are ...