From the Publisher:
The King's Quest Companion,Fourth Edition. . . a wonderful blend of fact and fiction that brings my games to life in an exciting,new way. It adds another fascinating dimension to the entire King's Quest experience. It is truly a pleasure to read and a must-have for anyone hoping to explore the series in greater depth and detail.—Roberta Williams,Creator of The King's Quest Series. Answers,Answers,Answers. . . Play Through and Win All the King's Games with the Answers You'll Find Here. You're holding the one book that can give you all the help and answers you need to successfully complete every King's Quest game from I through VII. PLUS,you'll have fun reading these answers in Spear's "novel" approach as he weaves exciting stories around each game in the series. The Newest Edition Of This Acclaimed Book Has It All! Complete novelizations of each of the King's Quest games will fascinate you. Discover step-by-step walkthroughs of every game. Complete and unabridged,everything is revealed! There are lots of new,detailed maps help you easily find your way. Understand how the games unfold as you discover legends and biographies of the fabulous characters and creatures who live in the world of Daventry. Learn the deepest,most hidden secrets about the real world of Daventry. Get all the answers you need,as fast as you want them,to finish all the games. If you've been captured by the magic of Sierra On-Line's King's Quest series,you'll love this book. It's a MUST for Questers everywhere