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The Audience and Business of YouTube and Online Videos is a thorough analysis of YouTube audiences and creators of online videos that considers how the coexistence of user-generated and professional media content on YouTube makes the site a unique platform in the ever-expanding online video industry. Using a mixed method approach, the authors examine the underexplored business side of YouTube with a focus on product review videos, brand videos, sponsored videos, and online video advertising. This book also addresses recent developments such as YouTube Red subscription, pay TV, and movie services and discusses the future of online video audience research. Recommended for scholars interested in media studies, communication, marketing, and popular culture.
Measuring Audience Retention in YouTube
VALUETOOLS 2019: Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and ToolsThere exist many aspects involved in a video turning viral on YouTube. These include properties of the video such as the attractiveness of its title and thumbnail, the recommendation policy of YouTube, marketing and advertising policies and the ...
Antismoking campaign videos on YouTube and audience response
Analyzed audience reaction to antismoking campaign videos on YouTube.Examined quantitative as well as qualitative aspects of audience feedback.Audience reaction was predominantly positive.Positive emotions and ratings were more prevalent than negative ...