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Cited By
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Index Terms
- Programming in Prolog (3rd ed.)
A plea for readable pleas for a readable Prolog programming style
Writing a plea for a readable Prolog programming style is not like writing most pleas. In writing a plea for a readable Prolog programming style in particular, one could possibly bring forth many results. This means that special care must be taken when ...
Concurrent programming constructs in multi-engine prolog: parallelism just for the cores (and not more!)
DAMP '11: Proceedings of the sixth workshop on Declarative aspects of multicore programmingWe discuss the impact of the separation of logic engines (independent logic processing units) and multi-threading on the design of parallel programming constructs aware of the fundamental invariant of today's typical computer architectures: the presence ...
Towards a jitting VM for prolog execution
PPDP '10: Proceedings of the 12th international ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of declarative programmingMost Prolog implementations are implemented in low-level languages such as C and are based on a variation of the WAM instruction set, which enhances their performance but makes them hard to write. In addition, many of the more dynamic features of Prolog ...