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- Benchmark analysis of database architectures: a case study
Analysis of Database System Architectures Using Benchmarks
Database machine architectures have been proposed as a promising alternative to improve database system performance, control, and flexibility. While many claims have been made for the database machine concept, few studies have been made to test the ...
A Case for Database Filesystems
SMC-IT '09: Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information TechnologyData intensive science is offering new challenges and opportunities for Information Technology and traditional relational databases in particular. Database file systems offer the potential to store Level Zero data and analyze Level 1 and Level 3 data ...
Intermedia: A case study of the differences between relational and object-oriented database systems
OOPSLA '87: Conference proceedings on Object-oriented programming systems, languages and applicationsThis paper compares two approaches to meeting the data handling requirements of Intermedia, a hypermedia system developed at the Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship at Brown University. Intermedia, though written using an object-...