RC4 Stream Cipher and Its Variants is the first book to fully cover the popular software stream cipher RC4. With extensive expertise in stream cipher cryptanalysis and RC4 research, the authors focus on the analysis and design issues of RC4. They also explore variants of RC4 and the eSTREAM finalist HC-128. After an introduction to the vast field of cryptology, the book reviews hardware and software stream ciphers and describes RC4. It presents a theoretical analysis of RC4 KSA, discussing biases of the permutation bytes toward secret key bytes and absolute values. The text explains how to reconstruct the secret key from known state information and analyzes the RC4 PRGA in detail, including a sketch of state recovery attacks. The book then describes three popular attacks on RC4: distinguishing attacks, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol attacks, and fault attacks. The authors also compare the advantages and disadvantages of several variants of RC4 and examine stream cipher HC-128, which is the next level of evolution after RC4 in the software stream cipher paradigm. The final chapter emphasizes the safe use of RC4. With open research problems in each chapter, this book offers a complete account of the most current research on RC4. It not only covers the basics of cryptography, but also provides a comparative study of RC4 with other stream ciphers.
Cited By
- Couturier R, Noura H and Chehab A (2020). ESSENCE: GPU-based and dynamic key-dependent efficient stream cipher for multimedia contents, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79:19-20, (13559-13579), Online publication date: 1-May-2020.
- Noura H and Chehab A An Efficient and Secure Variant of RC4 Stream Cipher Scheme for Emerging Networks 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), (1-8)
- Noura H, Chehab A and Couturier R Lightweight Dynamic Key-Dependent and Flexible Cipher Scheme for IoT Devices 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), (1-8)
- Manifavas C, Hatzivasilis G, Fysarakis K and Papaefstathiou Y (2016). A survey of lightweight stream ciphers for embedded systems, Security and Communication Networks, 9:10, (1226-1246), Online publication date: 10-Jul-2016.
- Maitra S and Sen Gupta S New Long-Term Glimpse of RC4 Stream Cipher Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security - Volume 8303, (230-238)
Index Terms
- RC4 Stream Cipher and Its Variants
Cryptanalysis of RC4(n, m) stream cipher
SIN '13: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Security of Information and NetworksRC4(n, m) is a stream cipher based on RC4 and is designed by G. Gong et al. It can be seen as a generalization of the famous RC4 stream cipher designed by Ron Rivest. The authors of RC4(n, m) claim that the cipher resists all the attacks that are ...
Security Analysis of the RC4+ Stream Cipher
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Progress in Cryptology INDOCRYPT 2013 - Volume 8250The RC4+ stream cipher was proposed by Maitra and Paul at Indocrypt 2008. The authors had claimed that RC4+ ironed out most of the weaknesses of the alleged RC4 stream cipher and was only marginally slower than RC4 in software. In this paper we show that ...
Some security results of the RC4+ stream cipher
The RC4+ stream cipher was proposed as an alternative to the well known RC4 stream cipher. It was claimed by the authors that this new stream cipher was designed to overcome all the weaknesses reported against the alleged RC4 stream cipher. In the ...