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- Chen H, Wu F, Hou K and Qiu T (2024). Leveraging Dynamic Right-of-Way Allocation and Tolling Policy for CAV Dedicated Lane Management to Promote CAV and Improve Mobility, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25:7, (6667-6676), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2024.
- Khoshnazar M, Dastranj M, Azimi A, Aghdam M and Flores P (2024). Application of the Bezier integration technique with enhanced stability in forward dynamics of constrained multibody systems with Baumgarte stabilization method, Engineering with Computers, 40:3, (1559-1573), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2024.
- de Oliveira Evald P, Hollweg G, Borin L, Mattos E, Tambara R, Montagner V and Gründling H (2024). A smart parametrisation for robust adaptive PI controller applied on renewable energy power generation systems under weak and uttermost weak grid conditions, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 116:C, Online publication date: 1-May-2024.
- Wang R, Cao Z, Zhou X, Wen Y and Tan R (2023). Green Data Center Cooling Control via Physics-guided Safe Reinforcement Learning, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 8:2, (1-26), Online publication date: 30-Apr-2024.
- Vatansever F and Hatun M (2024). Stability analysis tool for discrete-time systems in control education, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83:2, (6205-6226), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2024.
- Wu A (2023). A fundamental matrix based approach to design predictor-based control laws for discrete-time systems with state and input delays, Automatica (Journal of IFAC), 155:C, Online publication date: 1-Sep-2023.
- Masti D, Breschi V, Formentin S and Bemporad A (2023). Auto-tuning of reference models in direct data-driven control, Automatica (Journal of IFAC), 155:C, Online publication date: 1-Sep-2023.
- Evald P, Hollweg G, Tambara R and Gründling H (2023). A hybrid robust model reference adaptive controller and proportional integral controller without reference model for partially modeled systems, International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 37:8, (2113-2132), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023.
- Wang R, Cao Z, Zhou X, Wen Y and Tan R Phyllis: Physics-Informed Lifelong Reinforcement Learning for Data Center Cooling Control Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, (114-126)
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- Zhang K, Braverman E and Gharesifard B (2023). Event-triggered control for discrete-time delay systems, Automatica (Journal of IFAC), 147:C, Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023.
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Index Terms
- Discrete-time control systems (2nd ed.)
Minimax Control of Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems
This paper gives a unified, self-contained presentation of minimax control problems for discrete-time stochastic systems on Borel spaces, with possibly unbounded costs. The main results include conditions for the existence of minimax strategies for ...
Infinite horizon optimal control of linear discrete time systems with stochastic parameters
The infinite horizon optimal control problem is considered in the general case of linear discrete time systems and quadratic criteria, both with stochastic parameters which are independent with respect to time. A stronger stabilizability property and a ...
Output feedback receding horizon stabilization and H∞ control for time-varying discrete-time systems
In this paper we consider the receding horizon stabilization and H∞ control problems for time-varying discrete-time systems. We first consider the receding horizon stabilization control problem. We give design methods of receding horizon state feedback, ...