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Effectively analyzing large volumes of diverse logs can pose many challenges. Logging and Log Management helps to simplify this complex process using practical guidance and real-world examples. Packed with information you need to know for system, network and security logging. Log management and log analysis methods are covered in detail, including approaches to creating useful logs on systems and applications, log searching and log review. Comprehensive coverage of log management including analysis, visualization, reporting and more Includes information on different uses for logs -- from system operations to regulatory compliance Features case Studies on syslog-ng and actual real-world situations where logs came in handy in incident response Provides practical guidance in the areas of report, log analysis system selection, planning a log analysis system and log data normalization and correlation Table of Contents Chapter 1 Logs, Trees, Forest: the Big Picture Chapter 2 What is a Log Chapter 3 Generating Logs Chapter 4 Log Storage Technologies Chapter 5 Case study: syslog-ng Chapter 6 Covert logging Chapter 7 Analysis Goals, Planning and Preparation: What Are We Looking for Chapter 8 Simple Analysis Techniques Chapter 9 Filtering, Matching and Correlation Chapter 10 Statistical Analysis Chapter 11 Log Data Mining Chapter 12 Reporting and Summarization Chapter 13 Visualizing Log Data Chapter 14 Logging Laws and Logging Mistakes Chapter 15 Tools for Log Analysis and Collection Chapter 16 Log Management Procedures: Escalation, Response Chapter 17 Attacks against logging systems Chapter 18 Logging for Programmers Chapter 19 Logs and Compliance Chapter 20 Planning Your Own Log Analysis System Chapter 21 Cloud Logging Chapter 22 Log Standard and Future Trends
Cited By
- Anastopoulos V and Katsikas S Design of a dynamic log management infrastructure using risk and affiliation network analysis Proceedings of the 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, (52-57)
- Mavridis I and Karatza H (2017). Performance evaluation of cloud-based log file analysis with Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, Journal of Systems and Software, 125:C, (133-151), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
- Khan S, Gani A, Wahab A, Bagiwa M, Shiraz M, Khan S, Buyya R and Zomaya A (2016). Cloud Log Forensics, ACM Computing Surveys, 49:1, (1-42), Online publication date: 31-Mar-2017.
- Tall A, Wang J and Han D Survey of data intensive computing technologies application to to security log data management Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies, (268-273)
Fully dynamic connectivity in O(log n(log log n)2) amortized expected time
SODA '17: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete AlgorithmsDynamic connectivity is one of the most fundamental problems in dynamic graph algorithms. We present a new randomized dynamic connectivity structure with O(log n(log log n)2) amortized expected update time and O(log n/log log log n) query time, which ...
An O(log n log log n) space algorithm for undirected st-connectivity
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