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Introduction to Statistical Relational Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)August 2007
  • The MIT Press
Published:01 August 2007
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  1. ACM
    Zhang C, Peng Z, Zheng J and Ma Q Conditional Logical Message Passing Transformer for Complex Query Answering Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (4119-4130)
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  3. Li Z, Cao Y, Zheng Y, Liu X, Wu B, Li T, Xu X, Jiang J, Teo Y, Lin S and Liu Y Improving neural logic machines via failure reflection Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, (27457-27473)
  4. Ellis K Human-like few-shot learning via Bayesian reasoning over natural language Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (13149-13178)
  5. ACM
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  6. Kuželka O Counting and sampling models in first-order logic Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (7020-7025)
  7. Yang Y, Huang X, Li J and Sun J (2023). BubbleMap: Privilege Mapping for Behavior-Based Implicit Authentication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 22:8, (4548-4562), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023.
  8. Fernandez R, Elmore A, Franklin M, Krishnan S and Tan C (2023). How Large Language Models Will Disrupt Data Management, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 16:11, (3302-3309), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2023.
  9. Augustine E and Getoor L (2023). Collective Grounding: Applying Database Techniques to Grounding Templated Models, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 16:8, (1843-1855), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2023.
  10. Liu W, Daruna A, Patel M, Ramachandruni K and Chernova S (2023). A survey of Semantic Reasoning frameworks for robotic systems, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 159:C, Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023.
  11. Li W, Ji Q, Zhang S, Fu X and Qi G (2023). A graph-based method for interactive mapping revision in DL-Lite, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 211:C, Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023.
  12. Yang-Zhao S, Wang T and Ng K A direct approximation of AIXI using logical state abstractions Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (36640-36653)
  13. Munch M, Buche P, Dervaux S, Dibie J, Ibanescu L, Manfredotti C, Wuillemin P and Angellier-Coussy H (2022). Combining ontology and probabilistic models for the design of bio-based product transformation processes, Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal, 203:C, Online publication date: 1-Oct-2022.
  14. d’Amato C Mining the Semantic Web with Machine Learning: Main Issues that Need to Be Known Reasoning Web. Declarative Artificial Intelligence , (76-93)
  15. Cozman F and Munhoz H (2021). Some thoughts on knowledge-enhanced machine learning, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 136:C, (308-324), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2021.
  16. Manhaeve R, Dumančić S, Kimmig A, Demeester T and De Raedt L (2021). Neural probabilistic logic programming in DeepProbLog, Artificial Intelligence, 298:C, Online publication date: 1-Sep-2021.
  17. ACM
    Picado J, Termehchy A, Fern A, Pathak S, Ilango P and Davis J Scalable and Usable Relational Learning With Automatic Language Bias Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management of Data, (1440-1451)
  18. Kuzelka O (2021). Weighted First-Order Model Counting in the Two-Variable Fragment With Counting Quantifiers, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 70, (1281-1307), Online publication date: 1-May-2021.
  19. He Z, Liu J, Zeng Y, Wei L and Huang Y (2021). Content to Node: Self-Translation Network Embedding, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 33:2, (431-443), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2021.
  20. Stankova M, Praet S, Martens D and Provost F (2021). Node classification over bipartite graphs through projection, Machine Language, 110:1, (37-87), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2021.
  21. ACM
    Chowdhury R, Srinivasan S and Getoor L Joint Estimation of User And Publisher Credibility for Fake News Detection Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, (1993-1996)
  22. Ontañón S (2020). An overview of distance and similarity functions for structured data, Artificial Intelligence Review, 53:7, (5309-5351), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2020.
  23. ACM
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  25. Kolyvakis P, Kalousis A and Kiritsis D Hyperbolic Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Knowledge Base Completion The Semantic Web, (199-214)
  26. Riahi F and Schulte O (2020). Model-based exception mining for object-relational data, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 34:3, (681-722), Online publication date: 1-May-2020.
  27. Henderson T, Simmons R, Serbinowski B, Cline M, Sacharny D, Fan X and Mitiche A (2020). Probabilistic sentence satisfiability, Artificial Intelligence, 278:C, Online publication date: 1-Jan-2020.
  28. Garg D, Ikbal S, Srivastava S, Vishwakarma H, Karanam H and Subramaniam L Quantum embedding of knowledge for reasoning Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (5594-5604)
  29. Dai W, Xu Q, Yu Y and Zhou Z Bridging machine learning and logical reasoning by abductive learning Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (2815-2826)
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  31. Kaur N, Kunapuli G, Joshi S, Kersting K and Natarajan S Neural Networks for Relational Data Inductive Logic Programming, (62-71)
  32. Frazzetto D, Nielsen T, Pedersen T and Šikšnys L (2019). Prescriptive analytics: a survey of emerging trends and technologies, The VLDB Journal — The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases, 28:4, (575-595), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2019.
  33. Kotsogiannis I, Tao Y, He X, Fanaeepour M, Machanavajjhala A, Hay M and Miklau G (2019). PrivateSQL, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 12:11, (1371-1384), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019.
  34. Fariha A and Meliou A (2019). Example-driven query intent discovery, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 12:11, (1262-1275), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019.
  35. Cozman F and Mauá D (2019). The finite model theory of Bayesian network specifications, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 110:C, (107-126), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019.
  36. Awal G and Bharadwaj K (2019). Leveraging collective intelligence for behavioral prediction in signed social networks through evolutionary approach, Information Systems Frontiers, 21:2, (417-439), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2019.
  37. Picado J, Termehchy A, Fern A and Ataei P (2019). Logical scalability and efficiency of relational learning algorithms, The VLDB Journal — The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases, 28:2, (147-171), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2019.
  38. Vieira de Faria F, Gusmão A, De Bona G, Mauá D and Cozman F (2019). Speeding up parameter and rule learning for acyclic probabilistic logic programs, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 106:C, (32-50), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2019.
  39. Baudrit C, Taillandier F, Tran T and Breysse D (2018). Uncertainty Processing and Risk Monitoring in Construction Projects Using Hierarchical Probabilistic Relational Models, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 34:2, (97-115), Online publication date: 10-Jan-2019.
  40. Trouillon T, Gaussier É, Dance C and Bouchard G (2019). On inductive abilities of latent factor models for relational learning, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 64:1, (21-53), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2019.
  41. ACM
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  42. Goyal J, Madan A, Narayan A and Rao S ASD: A Framework for Generation of Task Hierarchies for Transfer in Reinforcement Learning Neural Information Processing, (313-325)
  43. Kazemi S and Poole D SimplE embedding for link prediction in knowledge graphs Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (4289-4300)
  44. Manhaeve R, Dumancic S, Kimmig A, Demeester T and Raedt L DeepProbLog Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (3753-3763)
  45. Hamilton W, Bajaj P, Zitnik M, Jurafsky D and Leskovec J Embedding logical queries on knowledge graphs Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (2030-2041)
  46. ACM
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  47. ACM
    Rossi R, Ahmed N, Zhou R and Eldardiry H (2018). Interactive Visual Graph Mining and Learning, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 9:5, (1-25), Online publication date: 30-Sep-2018.
  48. ACM
    Alevizos E, Skarlatidis A, Artikis A and Paliouras G (2017). Probabilistic Complex Event Recognition, ACM Computing Surveys, 50:5, (1-31), Online publication date: 30-Sep-2018.
  49. Lüdtke S, Schröder M, Krüger F, Bader S and Kirste T (2019). State-space abstractions for probabilistic inference, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 63:1, (789-848), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2018.
  50. Cozman F and Mauá D (2018). The complexity of Bayesian networks specified by propositional and relational languages, Artificial Intelligence, 262:C, (96-141), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2018.
  51. Lippi M, Mamei M, Mariani S and Zambonelli F Distributed Speaking Objects: A Case for Massive Multiagent Systems Massively Multi-Agent Systems II, (3-20)
  52. Cozman F and Mauá D The finite model theory of Bayesian networks Proceedings of the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (5229-5233)
  53. ACM
    Domingos P Machine Learning for Data Management Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, (629-629)
  54. ACM
    Gini M, Agmon N, Giunchiglia F, Koenig S and Leyton-Brown K (2018). Artificial intelligence in 2027, AI Matters, 4:1, (10-20), Online publication date: 30-Apr-2018.
  55. Espín-Noboa L, Wagner C, Karimi F and Lerman K Towards Quantifying Sampling Bias in Network Inference Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, (1277-1285)
  56. ACM
    Mihindukulasooriya N, Rashid M, Rizzo G, García-Castro R, Corcho O and Torchiano M RDF shape induction using knowledge base profiling Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (1952-1959)
  57. ACM
    Li Z, Fang X and Sheng O (2017). A Survey of Link Recommendation for Social Networks, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 9:1, (1-26), Online publication date: 26-Feb-2018.
  58. ACM
    Minervini P, Tresp V, D'amato C and Fanizzi N (2017). Adaptive Knowledge Propagation in Web Ontologies, ACM Transactions on the Web, 12:1, (1-28), Online publication date: 5-Feb-2018.
  59. Chou L, Sahoo P, Sarkhel S, Ruozzi N and Gogate V Automatic parameter tying Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Thirtieth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference and Eighth AAAI Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, (2860-2867)
  60. García-Durán A and Niepert M Learning graph representations with embedding propagation Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (5125-5136)
  61. Rocktäschel T and Riedel S End-to-end differentiable proving Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (3791-3803)
  62. Yang F, Yang Z and Cohen W Differentiable learning of logical rules for knowledge base reasoning Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (2316-2325)
  63. ACM
    Hayes A, Das M, Odom P and Natarajan S User Friendly Automatic Construction of Background Knowledge Proceedings of the 9th Knowledge Capture Conference, (1-8)
  64. Yang S, Korayem M, AlJadda K, Grainger T and Natarajan S (2017). Combining content-based and collaborative filtering for job recommendation system, Knowledge-Based Systems, 136:C, (37-45), Online publication date: 15-Nov-2017.
  65. Shah V, Kumar A and Zhu X (2017). Are key-foreign key joins safe to avoid when learning high-capacity classifiers?, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 11:3, (366-379), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2017.
  66. Reyes-Galaviz O, Pedrycz W, He Z and Pizzi N (2017). A supervised gradient-based learning algorithm for optimized entity resolution, Data & Knowledge Engineering, 112:C, (106-129), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2017.
  67. Munch M, Wuillemin P, Manfredotti C, Dibie J and Dervaux S Learning Probabilistic Relational Models Using an Ontology of Transformation Processes On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2017 Conferences, (198-215)
  68. ACM
    Tan X, Jian F and Huang J On the Effectiveness of Bayesian Network-based Models for Document Ranking Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval, (309-312)
  69. Schulte O and Gholami S Locally consistent Bayesian network scores for multi-relational data Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (2693-2700)
  70. Belle V Logic meets probability Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (5116-5120)
  71. Dries A, Kimmig A, Davis J, Belle V and De Raed L Solving probability problems in natural language Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (3981-3987)
  72. Belle V and Lakemeyer G Reasoning about probabilities in unbounded first-order dynamical domains Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (828-836)
  73. ACM
    Ye W, Zhou L, Mautz D, Plant C and Böhm C Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Vertices in Networks Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (1265-1274)
  74. Liu H, Wu Y and Yang Y Analogical inference for multi-relational embeddings Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning - Volume 70, (2168-2178)
  75. Mau D and Cozman F (2017). The effect of combination functions on the complexity of relational Bayesian networks, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 85:C, (178-195), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017.
  76. Luperto M, Riva A and Amigoni F Semantic classification by reasoning on the whole structure of buildings using statistical relational learning techniques 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), (2562-2568)
  77. ACM
    Picado J, Termehchy A, Fern A and Pathak S Towards Automatically Setting Language Bias in Relational Learning Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Data Management for End-to-End Machine Learning, (1-4)
  78. ACM
    Kumar A, Boehm M and Yang J Data Management in Machine Learning Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Management of Data, (1717-1722)
  79. ACM
    Getoor L Statistical Relational Learning Proceedings of the 36th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, (183-183)
  80. Tang J Computational Models for Social Network Analysis Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, (921-925)
  81. Gagliardi Cozman F and Deratani Mau D (2017). On the complexity of propositional and relational credal networks, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 83:C, (298-319), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017.
  82. Ahmed N, Neville J, Rossi R, Duffield N and Willke T (2017). Graphlet decomposition, Knowledge and Information Systems, 50:3, (689-722), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
  83. Mladenov M, Belle V and Kersting K The symbolic interior point method Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1199-1205)
  84. Dai W and Zhou Z Combining logical abduction and statistical induction Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (4392-4398)
  85. Belle V Open-universe weighted model counting Proceedings of the Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (3701-3708)
  86. Trouillon T, Dance C, Gaussier É, Welbl J, Riedel S and Bouchard G (2017). Knowledge graph completion via complex tensor factorization, The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18:1, (4735-4772), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017.
  87. Bach S, Broecheler M, Huang B and Getoor L (2017). Hinge-loss Markov random fields and probabilistic soft logic, The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18:1, (3846-3912), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017.
  88. Papadopoulos H, Tzanetakis G, Papadopoulos H, Tzanetakis G, Tzanetakis G and Papadopoulos H (2017). Models for Music Analysis From a Markov Logic Networks Perspective, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 25:1, (19-34), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017.
  89. Kazemi S, Kimmig A, Broeck G and Poole D New liftable classes for first-order probabilistic inference Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (3125-3133)
  90. ACM
    Chakrabarti A, Marwah M and Arlitt M Robust Anomaly Detection for Large-Scale Sensor Data Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments, (31-40)
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    Beyene M, Portier P, Atnafu S and Calabretto S Dataset linking in a multilingual linked open data context Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems, (149-157)
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    Rossi R and Zhou R Leveraging Multiple GPUs and CPUs for Graphlet Counting in Large Networks Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, (1783-1792)
  93. Michelioudakis E, Skarlatidis A, Paliouras G and Artikis A $$\mathtt {OSL}\alpha $$ European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume 9851, (232-247)
  94. Dumančić S and Blockeel H An efficient and expressive similarity measure for relational clustering using neighbourhood trees Proceedings of the Twenty-second European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1674-1675)
  95. Chekol M, Huber J, Meilicke C and Stuckenschmidt H Markov logic networks with numerical constraints Proceedings of the Twenty-second European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1017-1025)
  96. Van Den Broeck G First-order model counting in a nutshell Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (4086-4089)
  97. De Salvo Braz R, O'Reilly C, Gogate V and Dechter R Probabilistic inference modulo theories Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (3591-3599)
  98. Tu K Stochastic and-or grammars Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (2654-2660)
  99. ACM
    Tan X, Huang J and An A Ranking Documents Through Stochastic Sampling on Bayesian Network-based Models Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, (961-964)
  100. ACM
    Liu Q, Jiang L, Han M, Liu Y and Qin Z Hierarchical Random Walk Inference in Knowledge Graphs Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, (445-454)
  101. ACM
    Gogate V and Domingos P (2016). Probabilistic theorem proving, Communications of the ACM, 59:7, (107-115), Online publication date: 24-Jun-2016.
  102. Martínez-Angeles C, Wu H, Dutra I, Costa V and Buenabad-Chávez J (2016). Relational Learning with GPUs, International Journal of Parallel Programming, 44:3, (663-685), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  103. Riveret R and Governatori G On Learning Attacks in Probabilistic Abstract Argumentation Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems, (653-661)
  104. ACM
    Kovanović V, Joksimović S, Waters Z, Gašević D, Kitto K, Hatala M and Siemens G Towards automated content analysis of discussion transcripts Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, (15-24)
  105. ACM
    Tang J, Lou T, Kleinberg J and Wu S (2016). Transfer Learning to Infer Social Ties across Heterogeneous Networks, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 34:2, (1-43), Online publication date: 20-Apr-2016.
  106. ACM
    Grigore R and Yang H (2016). Abstraction refinement guided by a learnt probabilistic model, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 51:1, (485-498), Online publication date: 8-Apr-2016.
  107. ACM
    Zhang X, Mangal R, Nori A and Naik M (2016). Query-guided maximum satisfiability, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 51:1, (109-122), Online publication date: 8-Apr-2016.
  108. ACM
    Belzner L and Neitz A Learning relational probabilistic action models for online planning with decision forests Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (248-253)
  109. Beierle C Systems and Implementations for Solving Reasoning Problems in Conditional Logics Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems - Volume 9616, (83-94)
  110. Lee S and Honavar V On learning causal models from relational data Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (3263-3270)
  111. Chou L, Sarkhel S, Ruozzi N and Gogate V On parameter tying by quantization Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (3241-3247)
  112. Yang S, Khot T, Kersting K and Natarajan S Learning Continuous-Time Bayesian Networks in relational domains Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (2265-2271)
  113. Nickel M, Rosasco L and Poggio T Holographic embeddings of knowledge graphs Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1955-1961)
  114. Jiang S, Lowd D and Dou D A probabilistic approach to knowledge translation Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1716-1722)
  115. ACM
    Wu L, Hu X and Liu H Relational Learning with Social Status Analysis Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, (513-522)
  116. ACM
    Ścibior A, Ghahramani Z and Gordon A (2015). Practical probabilistic programming with monads, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 50:12, (165-176), Online publication date: 28-Jan-2016.
  117. ACM
    Grigore R and Yang H Abstraction refinement guided by a learnt probabilistic model Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, (485-498)
  118. ACM
    Zhang X, Mangal R, Nori A and Naik M Query-guided maximum satisfiability Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, (109-122)
  119. Bellodi E, Riguzzi F and Lamma E (2016). Statistical relational learning for workflow mining, Intelligent Data Analysis, 20:3, (515-541), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.
  120. Michels S, Hommersom A, Lucas P and Velikova M (2015). A new probabilistic constraint logic programming language based on a generalised distribution semantics, Artificial Intelligence, 228:C, (1-44), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2015.
  121. ACM
    Kouki P, Fakhraei S, Foulds J, Eirinaki M and Getoor L HyPER Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, (99-106)
  122. Zoppis I, Dondi R, Borsani M, Gianazza E, Chinello C, Magni F and Mauri G (2015). Robust Conclusions in Mass Spectrometry Analysis, Procedia Computer Science, 51:C, (683-692), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2015.
  123. ACM
    Ścibior A, Ghahramani Z and Gordon A Practical probabilistic programming with monads Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Haskell, (165-176)
  124. ACM
    Eswaran D, Bennett P and Pfeiffer J Modeling Website Topic Cohesion at Scale to Improve Webpage Classification Proceedings of the 38th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, (787-790)
  125. Farnadi G Statistical relational learning towards modelling social media users Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (4365-4366)
  126. Frasconi P, Costa F, De Raedt L and De Grave K kLog Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (4183-4187)
  127. De Raedt L, Dries A, Thon I, Van Den Broeck G and Verbeke M Inducing probabilistic relational rules from probabilistic examples Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1835-1843)
  128. Mirylenka D, Passerini A and Serafini L Bootstrapping domain ontologies from wikipedia Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1464-1470)
  129. Chakraborty S, Fried D, Meel K and Vardi M From weighted to unweighted model counting Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (689-695)
  130. Lee S and Honavar V Lifted representation of relational causal models revisited Proceedings of the UAI 2015 Conference on Advances in Causal Inference - Volume 1504, (56-65)
  131. ACM
    Kumar A, Naughton J and Patel J Learning Generalized Linear Models Over Normalized Data Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, (1969-1984)
  132. Pfeiffer J, Neville J and Bennett P Overcoming Relational Learning Biases to Accurately Predict Preferences in Large Scale Networks Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, (853-863)
  133. Pujara J, Miao H, Getoor L and Cohen W (2015). Using Semantics and Statistics to Turn Data into Knowledge, AI Magazine, 36:1, (65-74), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2015.
  134. Sarkhel S, Venugopal D, Singla P and Gogate V An Integer Polynomial Programming based framework for lifted MAP inference Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 2, (3302-3310)
  135. ACM
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  139. Poole D, Buchman D, Kazemi S, Kersting K and Natarajan S Population Size Extrapolation in Relational Probabilistic Modelling Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management - Volume 8720, (292-305)
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  141. Daele D, Kimmig A and Raedt L PageRank, ProPPR, and Stochastic Logic Programs Revised Selected Papers of the 24th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming - Volume 9046, (168-180)
  142. Shterionov D, Renkens J, Vlasselaer J, Kimmig A, Meert W and Janssens G The Most Probable Explanation for Probabilistic Logic Programs with Annotated Disjunctions Revised Selected Papers of the 24th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming - Volume 9046, (139-153)
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  144. ACM
    Perozzi B, Al-Rfou R and Skiena S DeepWalk Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (701-710)
  145. Arbour D, Marazopoulou K, Garant D and Jensen D Propensity score matching for causal inference with relational data Proceedings of the UAI 2014 Conference on Causal Inference: Learning and Prediction - Volume 1274, (25-34)
  146. Mladenov M, Globerson A and Kersting K Lifted message passing as reparametrization of graphical models Proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (603-612)
  147. Gribkoff E, Van den Broeck G and Suciu D Understanding the complexity of lifted inference and asymmetric Weighted Model Counting Proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (280-289)
  148. Kisa D, Van den Broeck G, Choi A and Darwiche A Probabilistic sentential decision diagrams Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, (558-567)
  149. Kazemi S, Buchman D, Kersting K, Natarajan S and Poole D Relational logistic regression Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, (548-557)
  150. Van den Broeck G, Meert W and Darwiche A Skolemization for weighted first-order model counting Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, (111-120)
  151. ACM
    Kong Z, Jones A, Medina Ayala A, Aydin Gol E and Belta C Temporal logic inference for classification and prediction from data Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Hybrid systems: computation and control, (273-282)
  152. Luo C, Guan R, Wang Z and Lin C HetPathMine Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on IR Research on Advances in Information Retrieval - Volume 8416, (210-221)
  153. Rios M, Specia L, Gelbukh A and Mitkov R Statistical Relational Learning to Recognise Textual Entailment Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing - Volume 8403, (330-339)
  154. Sukthankar G, Geib C, Bui H, Pynadath D and Goldman R (2014). Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition, 10.5555/2671144, Online publication date: 10-Mar-2014.
  155. ACM
    Gordon A, Graepel T, Rolland N, Russo C, Borgstrom J and Guiver J (2014). Tabular, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 49:1, (321-334), Online publication date: 13-Jan-2014.
  156. ACM
    Gordon A, Graepel T, Rolland N, Russo C, Borgstrom J and Guiver J Tabular Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, (321-334)
  157. Broeck G and Darwiche A On the complexity and approximation of Binary evidence in lifted inference Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 2, (2868-2876)
  158. Taghipour N, Davis J and Blockeel H First-order decomposition trees Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 1, (1052-1060)
  159. ACM
    Singh S and Graepel T Automated probabilistic modeling for relational data Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Information & Knowledge Management, (1497-1500)
  160. Cozman F, Polastro R, Takiyama F and Revoredo K Computing Inferences for Relational Bayesian Networks Based on $$\mathcal {ALC}$$ Constructs Revised Selected Papers of the ISWC International Workshops on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web III - Volume 8816, (21-40)
  161. Bicer V, Tran T, Ma Y and Studer R TRM — Learning Dependencies between Text and Structure with Topical Relational Models Proceedings of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference - Part I, (1-16)
  162. Riguzzi F (2013). MCINTYRE, Fundamenta Informaticae, 124:4, (521-541), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2013.
  163. Theobald M, Raedt L, Dylla M, Kimmig A and Miliaraki I 10 Years of Probabilistic Querying --- What Next? Proceedings of the 17th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems - Volume 8133, (1-13)
  164. ACM
    Wang X and Sukthankar G Multi-label relational neighbor classification using social context features Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (464-472)
  165. Deng Q, Li Z, Zhang X and Xia J Interaction-Based Social Relationship Type Identification in Microblog International Workshop on Behavior and Social Informatics on Behavior and Social Computing - Volume 8178, (151-164)
  166. Wang X, Tang L, Liu H and Wang L (2013). Learning with multi-resolution overlapping communities, Knowledge and Information Systems, 36:2, (517-535), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2013.
  167. Raza S, Haider S and Williams M Robot reasoning using first order bayesian networks Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making, (1-12)
  168. Potyka N, Beierle C and Kern-Isberner G On the problem of reversing relational inductive knowledge representation Proceedings of the 12th European conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, (485-496)
  169. ACM
    Suchanek F and Weikum G Knowledge harvesting in the big-data era Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, (933-938)
  170. ACM
    Garzó A, Daróczy B, Kiss T, Siklósi D and Benczúr A Cross-lingual web spam classification Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, (1149-1156)
  171. Tenorth M and Beetz M (2013). KnowRob, International Journal of Robotics Research, 32:5, (566-590), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2013.
  172. ACM
    Wagner A, Bicer V and Tran T Selectivity estimation for hybrid queries over text-rich data graphs Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, (383-394)
  173. Bina B, Schulte O, Crawford B, Qian Z and Xiong Y (2013). Simple decision forests for multi-relational classification, Decision Support Systems, 54:3, (1269-1279), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2013.
  174. Yan K Fuzzy-Probabilistic logic for common sense Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Artificial General Intelligence, (372-379)
  175. Jenatton R, Roux N, Bordes A and Obozinski G A latent factor model for highly multi-relational data Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 2, (3167-3175)
  176. Venugopal D and Gogate V On lifting the Gibbs sampling algorithm Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 1, (1655-1663)
  177. Weiss J, Natarajan S, Peissig P, McCarty C and Page D (2012). Machine Learning for Personalized Medicine, AI Magazine, 33:4, (33-45), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2012.
  178. Cozman F, Polastro R, Takiyama F and Revoredo K Computing Inferences for Relational Bayesian Networks Based on Constructs Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web III, (21-40)
  179. ACM
    Cheung A, Solar-Lezama A and Madden S Using program synthesis for social recommendations Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management, (1732-1736)
  180. Hayashi K, Takenouchi T, Shibata T, Kamiya Y, Kato D, Kunieda K, Yamada K and Ikeda K (2012). Exponential family tensor factorization, Knowledge and Information Systems, 33:1, (57-88), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2012.
  181. Finthammer M and Beierle C Using equivalences of worlds for aggregation semantics of relational conditionals Proceedings of the 35th Annual German conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, (49-60)
  182. Potyka N and Beierle C An approach to learning relational probabilistic FO-PCL knowledge bases Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, (625-632)
  183. Finthammer M and Beierle C Instantiation restrictions for relational probabilistic conditionals Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, (598-605)
  184. Szwabe A, Misiorek P and Walkowiak P Multi-Relational learning for recommendation of matches between semantic structures Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning and Lattice Computing with Applications, (98-107)
  185. Leopold H, Niepert M, Weidlich M, Mendling J, Dijkman R and Stuckenschmidt H Probabilistic optimization of semantic process model matching Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Business Process Management, (319-334)
  186. Lin H and Bilmes J Learning mixtures of submodular shells with application to document summarization Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (479-490)
  187. Van den Broeck G, Choi A and Darwiche A Lifted relax, compensate and then recover Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (131-141)
  188. ACM
    Song Y, Cao L, Wu X, Wei G, Ye W and Ding W Coupled behavior analysis for capturing coupling relationships in group-based market manipulations Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (976-984)
  189. Kotthoff L, Gent I and Miguel I (2012). An evaluation of machine learning in algorithm selection for search problems, AI Communications, 25:3, (257-270), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2012.
  190. Verbeke M, Van Asch V, Morante R, Frasconi P, Daelemans W and De Raedt L A statistical relational learning approach to identifying evidence based medicine categories Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning, (579-589)
  191. Raghavan S, Mooney R and Ku H Learning to "read between the lines" using Bayesian logic programs Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Long Papers - Volume 1, (349-358)
  192. Lison P Probabilistic dialogue models with prior domain knowledge Proceedings of the 13th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, (179-188)
  193. Dimitropoulos H, Kllapi H, Metaxas O, Oikonomidis N, Sitaridi E, Tsangaris M and Ioannidis Y AITION Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, (646-651)
  194. Lösch U, Bloehdorn S and Rettinger A Graph kernels for RDF data Proceedings of the 9th international conference on The Semantic Web: research and applications, (134-148)
  195. ACM
    Götz M, Nath S and Gehrke J MaskIt Proceedings of the 2012 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, (289-300)
  196. ACM
    Zhang B (2012). A conversation with Professor Bo Zhang, ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 13:2, (96-98), Online publication date: 1-May-2012.
  197. ACM
    Minervini P, d'Amato C and Fanizzi N Learning probabilistic Description logic concepts Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (378-383)
  198. Krämer A and Beierle C On lifted inference for a relational probabilistic conditional logic with maximum entropy semantics Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems, (224-243)
  199. Wang J, Byrnes J, Valtorta M and Huhns M (2012). On the combination of logical and probabilistic models for information analysis, Applied Intelligence, 36:2, (472-497), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2012.
  200. Kern-Isberner G, Beierle C, Finthammer M and Thimm M Comparing and evaluating approaches to probabilistic reasoning Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems VI, (31-75)
  201. Broeck G On the completeness of first-order knowledge compilation for lifted probabilistic inference Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (1386-1394)
  202. Zhu M DC proposal Proceedings of the 10th international conference on The semantic web - Volume Part II, (373-380)
  203. Lin H, Koul N and Honavar V Learning relational bayesian classifiers from RDF data Proceedings of the 10th international conference on The semantic web - Volume Part I, (389-404)
  204. Janning R and Beierle C Transformation rules for first-order probabilistic conditional logic yielding parametric uniformity Proceedings of the 34th Annual German conference on Advances in artificial intelligence, (157-168)
  205. Beierle C, Finthammer M, Kern-Isberner G and Thimm M Evaluation and comparison criteria for approaches to probabilistic relational knowledge representation Proceedings of the 34th Annual German conference on Advances in artificial intelligence, (63-75)
  206. Romdhane R, Boulay B, Bremond F and Thonnat M Probabilistic recognition of complex event Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Computer vision systems, (122-131)
  207. Wan H, Lin Y, Wu Z and Huang H A community-based pseudolikelihood approach for relationship labeling in social networks Proceedings of the 2011 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases - Volume Part III, (491-505)
  208. Tang W, Zhuang H and Tang J Learning to infer social ties in large networks Proceedings of the 2011 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases - Volume Part III, (381-397)
  209. Raghavan S and Mooney R Abductive plan recognition by extending Bayesian logic programs Proceedings of the 2011 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases - Volume Part II, (629-644)
  210. Nguyen C and Mamitsuka H Kernels for link prediction with latent feature models Proceedings of the 2011 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases - Volume Part II, (517-532)
  211. Huynh T and Mooney R Online structure learning for Markov logic networks Proceedings of the 2011 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases - Volume Part II, (81-96)
  212. Gutmann B, Thon I and De Raedt L Learning the parameters of probabilistic logic programs from interpretations Proceedings of the 2011 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases - Volume Part I, (581-596)
  213. Wan H, Lin Y, Wu Z and Huang H A community-based pseudolikelihood approach for relationship labeling in social networks Proceedings of the 2011th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part III, (491-505)
  214. Tang W, Zhuang H and Tang J Learning to infer social ties in large networks Proceedings of the 2011th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part III, (381-397)
  215. Huynh T and Mooney R Online structure learning for Markov Logic Networks Proceedings of the 2011th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part II, (81-96)
  216. Raghavan S and Mooney R Abductive plan recognition by extending Bayesian logic programs Proceedings of the 2011th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part II, (629-644)
  217. Nguyen C and Mamitsuka H Kernels for link prediction with latent feature models Proceedings of the 2011th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part II, (517-532)
  218. Gutmann B, Thon I and De Raedt L Learning the parameters of probabilistic logic programs from interpretations Proceedings of the 2011th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part I, (581-596)
  219. Noessner J and Niepert M ELOG Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Web reasoning and rule systems, (281-286)
  220. Kern-Isberner G, Beierle C, Finthammer M and Thimm M Probabilistic logics in expert systems Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Database and expert systems applications - Volume Part I, (27-46)
  221. Hose K, Schenkel R, Theobald M and Weikum G Database foundations for scalable RDF processing Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Reasoning web: semantic technologies for the web of data, (202-249)
  222. ACM
    Calais Guerra P, Veloso A, Meira W and Almeida V From bias to opinion Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (150-158)
  223. ACM
    Jampani R, Xu F, Wu M, Perez L, Jermaine C and Haas P (2011). The monte carlo database system, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 36:3, (1-41), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2011.
  224. Khosravi H, Schulte O, Hu J and Gao T Learning compact markov logic networks with decision trees Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Inductive Logic Programming, (20-25)
  225. Ishihata M, Kameya Y and Sato T Variational bayes inference for logic-based probabilistic models on BDDs Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Inductive Logic Programming, (189-203)
  226. Corapi D, Sykes D, Inoue K and Russo A Probabilistic rule learning in nonmonotonic domains Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Computational logic in multi-agent systems, (243-258)
  227. Gogate V and Domingos P Probabilistic theorem proving Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (256-265)
  228. Di Mauro N, Basile T, Ferilli S and Esposito F Optimizing probabilistic models for relational sequence learning Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Foundations of intelligent systems, (240-249)
  229. De Raedt L and Nijssen S Towards programming languages for machine learning and data mining Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Foundations of intelligent systems, (25-32)
  230. Malerba D, Ceci M and Appice A Relational mining in spatial domains Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Foundations of intelligent systems, (16-24)
  231. Murray W Statistical relational learning in student modeling for intelligent tutoring systems Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Artificial intelligence in education, (516-518)
  232. Ferilli S, Basile T and Di Mauro N Markov logic networks for document layout correction Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Industrial engineering and other applications of applied intelligent systems conference on Modern approaches in applied intelligence - Volume Part I, (275-284)
  233. ACM
    Getoor L and Mihalkova L Learning statistical models from relational data Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data, (1195-1198)
  234. Biba M, Ferilli S and Esposito F (2011). Boosting learning and inference in Markov logic through metaheuristics, Applied Intelligence, 34:2, (279-298), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011.
  235. ACM
    Kasneci G, Gael J, Stern D and Graepel T CoBayes Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, (465-474)
  236. Garrette D, Erk K and Mooney R Integrating logical representations with probabilistic information using Markov logic Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics, (105-114)
  237. Blythe J, Hobbs J, Domingos P, Kate R and Mooney R Implementing weighted abduction in Markov logic Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics, (55-64)
  238. Jha A, Gogate V, Meliou A and Suciu D Lifted inference seen from the other side Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 1, (973-981)
  239. Chechetka A and Guestrin C Evidence-specific structures for rich tractable CRFs Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems - Volume 1, (352-360)
  240. Mo M and King I Exploit of online social networks with community-based graph semi-supervised learning Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Neural information processing: theory and algorithms - Volume Part I, (669-678)
  241. ACM
    Pu L, Faltings B, Yang Q and Hu D Relational network-service clustering analysis with set evidences Proceedings of the 3rd ACM workshop on Artificial intelligence and security, (35-44)
  242. Xu Z, Kersting K and Joachims T Fast active exploration for link-based preference learning using Gaussian processes Proceedings of the 2010th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part III, (499-514)
  243. Xu Z, Kersting K and Joachims T Fast active exploration for link-based preference learning using Gaussian processes Proceedings of the 2010 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases: Part III, (499-514)
  244. Xu Z, Kersting K and Joachims T Fast active exploration for link-based preference learning using Gaussian processes Proceedings of the 2010 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases: Part III, (499-514)
  245. Natarajan S, Khot T, Lowd D, Tadepalli P, Kersting K and Shavlik J Exploiting causal independence in Markov logic networks Proceedings of the 2010 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases: Part II, (434-450)
  246. Meert W, Taghipour N and Blockeel H First-order Bayes-ball Proceedings of the 2010 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases: Part II, (369-384)
  247. Lang T, Toussaint M and Kersting K Exploration in relational worlds Proceedings of the 2010 European conference on Machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases: Part II, (178-194)
  248. Natarajan S, Khot T, Lowd D, Tadepalli P, Kersting K and Shavlik J Exploiting causal independence in Markov logic networks Proceedings of the 2010th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part II, (434-450)
  249. Meert W, Taghipour N and Blockeel H First-order Bayes-Ball Proceedings of the 2010th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part II, (369-384)
  250. Lang T, Toussaint M and Kersting K Exploration in relational worlds Proceedings of the 2010th European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Volume Part II, (178-194)
  251. Fierens D Context-Specific Independence in Directed Relational Probabilistic Models and its Influence on the Efficiency of Gibbs Sampling Proceedings of the 2010 conference on ECAI 2010: 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (243-248)
  252. ACM
    Rossi R and Neville J Modeling the evolution of discussion topics and communication to improve relational classification Proceedings of the First Workshop on Social Media Analytics, (89-97)
  253. ACM
    Tang L, Wang X, Liu H and Wang L A multi-resolution approach to learning with overlapping communities Proceedings of the First Workshop on Social Media Analytics, (14-22)
  254. ACM
    Gao J, Liang F, Fan W, Wang C, Sun Y and Han J On community outliers and their efficient detection in information networks Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (813-822)
  255. ACM
    Wang C, Han J, Jia Y, Tang J, Zhang D, Yu Y and Guo J Mining advisor-advisee relationships from research publication networks Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (203-212)
  256. ACM
    Eldardiry H and Neville J Multi-network fusion for collective inference Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, (46-54)
  257. Beierle C, Finthammer M, Kern-Isberner G and Thimm M Automated reasoning for relational probabilistic knowledge representation Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Automated Reasoning, (218-224)
  258. ACM
    Artikis A, Paliouras G, Portet F and Skarlatidis A Logic-based representation, reasoning and machine learning for event recognition Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems, (282-293)
  259. Poon H and Domingos P Unsupervised ontology induction from text Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (296-305)
  260. Walker T, O'Reilly C, Kunapuli G, Natarajan S, Maclin R, Page D and Shavlik J Automating the ilp setup task Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Inductive logic programming, (253-268)
  261. ACM
    Schauer R and Joshi A A probabilistic approach to distributed system management Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Autonomic computing, (77-78)
  262. Poon H, Christensen J, Domingos P, Etzioni O, Hoffmann R, Kiddon C, Lin T, Ling X, Mausam , Ritter A, Schoenmackers S, Soderland S, Weld D, Wu F and Zhang C Machine reading at the University of Washington Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading, (87-95)
  263. ACM
    Mayfield C, Neville J and Prabhakar S ERACER Proceedings of the 2010 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of data, (75-86)
  264. ACM
    Weikum G and Theobald M From information to knowledge Proceedings of the twenty-ninth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems, (65-76)
  265. Poon H and Vanderwende L Joint inference for knowledge extraction from biomedical literature Human Language Technologies: The 2010 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, (813-821)
  266. Khosravi H and Bina B A survey on statistical relational learning Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence, (256-268)
  267. ACM
    Ramon J, Costa F, Florencio C and Kok J (2010). StReBio'09, ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, 11:2, (88-89), Online publication date: 27-May-2010.
  268. Poole D Towards a logic of feature-based semantic science theories Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, (587-589)
  269. Kern-Isberner G and Thimm M Novel semantical approaches to relational probabilistic conditionals Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, (382-392)
  270. ACM
    Deshpande A Increasing representational power and scaling reasoning in probabilistic databases Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Database Theory, (1-1)
  271. ACM
    Agarwal D and Chen B fLDA Proceedings of the third ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, (91-100)
  272. Da San Martino G and Sperduti A (2010). Mining structured data, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 5:1, (42-49), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2010.
  273. Li W, Yeung D and Zhang Z Probabilistic relational PCA Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (1123-1131)
  274. ACM
    Tang L and Liu H Scalable learning of collective behavior based on sparse social dimensions Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management, (1107-1116)
  275. ACM
    de Melo G and Weikum G Towards a universal wordnet by learning from combined evidence Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Information and knowledge management, (513-522)
  276. Marton Z, Rusu R, Jain D, Klank U and Beetz M Probabilistic categorization of kitchen objects in table settings with a composite sensor Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE/RSJ international conference on Intelligent robots and systems, (4777-4784)
  277. Sen P, Deshpande A and Getoor L (2009). PrDB, The VLDB Journal — The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases, 18:5, (1065-1090), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2009.
  278. Hu J, Passonneau R and Rambow O Contrasting the interaction structure of an email and a telephone corpus Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference: The 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, (357-366)
  279. Poon H and Domingos P Unsupervised semantic parsing Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Volume 1 - Volume 1, (1-10)
  280. Yoshikawa K, Riedel S, Asahara M and Matsumoto Y Jointly identifying temporal relations with Markov Logic Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP: Volume 1 - Volume 1, (405-413)
  281. Shavlik J and Natarajan S Speeding up inference in Markov logic networks by preprocessing to reduce the size of the resulting grounded network Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1951-1956)
  282. Kisynski J and Poole D Lifted aggregation in directed first-order probabilistic models Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1922-1929)
  283. Xu Z, Kersting K and Tresp V Multi-relational learning with Gaussian processes Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1309-1314)
  284. Mihalkova L and Mooney R Transfer learning from minimal target data by mapping across relational domains Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (1163-1168)
  285. Fierens D On the relationship between logical Bayesian networks and probabilistic logic programming based on the distribution semantics Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Inductive logic programming, (17-24)
  286. Kiselyov O and Shan C Embedded Probabilistic Programming Proceedings of the IFIP TC 2 Working Conference on Domain-Specific Languages, (360-384)
  287. ACM
    Tang L and Liu H Relational learning via latent social dimensions Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, (817-826)
  288. Sen P, Deshpande A and Getoor L Bisimulation-based approximate lifted inference Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (496-505)
  289. Kisyński J and Poole D Constraint processing in lifted probabilistic inference Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (293-302)
  290. Kiselyov O and Shan C Monolingual probabilistic programming using generalized coroutines Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (285-292)
  291. Kersting K, Ahmadi B and Natarajan S Counting belief propagation Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (277-284)
  292. Cozman F and Polastro R Complexity analysis and variational inference for interpretation-based probabilistic description logics Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, (117-125)
  293. ACM
    Lang T and Toussaint M Approximate inference for planning in stochastic relational worlds Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning, (585-592)
  294. ACM
    Kok S and Domingos P Learning Markov logic network structure via hypergraph lifting Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning, (505-512)
  295. Jain D, Mösenlechner L and Beetz M Equipping robot control programs with first-order probabilistic reasoning capabilities Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international conference on Robotics and Automation, (3130-3135)
  296. ACM
    Angelova R, Kasneci G, Suchanek F and Weikum G Graffiti Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, (1087-1088)
  297. ACM
    Suchanek F, Sozio M and Weikum G SOFIE Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, (631-640)
  298. ACM
    Weikum G, Kasneci G, Ramanath M and Suchanek F (2009). Database and information-retrieval methods for knowledge discovery, Communications of the ACM, 52:4, (56-64), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2009.
  299. Micheli A (2009). Neural network for graphs, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 20:3, (498-511), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2009.
  300. Poole D, Smyth C and Sharma R Semantic Science Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web I, (26-40)
  301. Poon H and Domingos P Joint unsupervised coreference resolution with Markov logic Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, (650-659)
  302. Schoenmackers S, Etzioni O and Weld D Scaling textual inference to the web Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, (79-88)
  303. Dietterich T, Domingos P, Getoor L, Muggleton S and Tadepalli P (2008). Structured machine learning, Machine Language, 73:1, (3-23), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2008.
  304. Chen J, Muggleton S and Santos J (2008). Learning probabilistic logic models from probabilistic examples, Machine Language, 73:1, (55-85), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2008.
  305. Koriche F (2008). Learning to assign degrees of belief in relational domains, Machine Language, 73:1, (25-53), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2008.
  306. Gomolińska A (2008). Satisfiability of Formulas from the Standpoint of Object Classification: The RST Approach, Fundamenta Informaticae, 85:1-4, (139-153), Online publication date: 20-Sep-2008.
  307. Brafman R Relational preference rules for control Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, (552-559)
  308. Xu Z, Tresp V, Rettinger A and Kersting K Social network mining with nonparametric relational models Proceedings of the Second international conference on Advances in social network mining and analysis, (77-96)
  309. Davis G, Olson J and Carley K Unsupervised plan detection with factor graphs Proceedings of the Second international conference on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data, (59-75)
  310. Sen P, Deshpande A and Getoor L (2008). Exploiting shared correlations in probabilistic databases, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 1:1, (809-820), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2008.
  311. Liblit B Reflections on the Role of Static Analysis in Cooperative Bug Isolation Proceedings of the 15th international symposium on Static Analysis, (18-31)
  312. Wang J and Domingos P Hybrid Markov logic networks Proceedings of the 23rd national conference on Artificial intelligence - Volume 2, (1106-1111)
  313. Singla P and Domingos P Lifted first-order belief propagation Proceedings of the 23rd national conference on Artificial intelligence - Volume 2, (1094-1099)
  314. Poon H, Domingos P and Sumner M A general method for reducing the complexity of relational inference and its application to MCMC Proceedings of the 23rd national conference on Artificial intelligence - Volume 2, (1075-1080)
  315. Milch B, Zettlemoyer L, Kersting K, Haimes M and Kaelbling L Lifted probabilistic inference with counting formulas Proceedings of the 23rd national conference on Artificial intelligence - Volume 2, (1062-1068)
  316. ACM
    Kersting K and Driessens K Non-parametric policy gradients Proceedings of the 25th international conference on Machine learning, (456-463)
  317. Biba M, Ferilli S and Esposito F Structure Learning of Markov Logic Networks through Iterated Local Search Proceedings of the 2008 conference on ECAI 2008: 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (361-365)
  318. Milch B Artificial General Intelligence through Large-Scale, Multimodal Bayesian Learning Proceedings of the 2008 conference on Artificial General Intelligence 2008: Proceedings of the First AGI Conference, (248-255)
  319. ACM
    Jampani R, Xu F, Wu M, Perez L, Jermaine C and Haas P MCDB Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data, (687-700)
  320. Gomolińska A (2008). Satisfiability of Formulas from the Standpoint of Object Classification: The RST Approach, Fundamenta Informaticae, 85:1-4, (139-153), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2008.
  321. Domingos P, Kok S, Lowd D, Poon H, Richardson M and Singla P Markov logic Probabilistic inductive logic programming, (92-117)
  322. ACM
    Kok S and Domingos P Statistical predicate invention Proceedings of the 24th international conference on Machine learning, (433-440)
  323. Goadrich M and Shavlik J Combining clauses with various precisions and recalls to produce accurate probabilistic estimates Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Inductive logic programming, (122-131)
  324. Jensen D Beyond prediction Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Inductive logic programming, (4-21)
  325. Frasconi P Learning with kernels and logical representations Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Inductive logic programming, (1-3)
  • University of California, Santa Cruz
  • University of Washington


Jose Hernandez-Orallo

Two of the ever-burning issues in machine learning are the ability to learn from complex data and the ability to adequately handle background knowledge. Both issues are closely related since most regularities in complex data can only be disentangled in a reasonable time by using early features and concepts that can pave the way for future discoveries. Examples of this can be found every day in human learning and scientific discovery. From time to time, a group of researchers in machine learning and other areas come together to give a new boost to existing issues. While in the late 1980s and 1990s it was the field of inductive logic programming that captained this research, in recent years researchers from new and old areas are converging toward new names and views. Statistical relational learning is one of these new terms, along with other related (or almost synonymous) terms such as multirelational data mining, probabilistic logic learning, and learning from structured data. While the word "relational" represents the "target," namely, relational or complex data, the word "statistical" does not refer to "statistics" in a strict sense, but to techniques that place probability and related concepts at the first plane (stochastic processes, Bayesian methods, and Markov models). This book presents an up-to-date and comprehensive selection of topics in statistical relational learning. The editors are two of the researchers who have most actively participated in the move toward this new confluence, playing an important role in meetings and activities, with the goal of shaping a new field. As a result, they have been able to gather an excellent collection of chapters from top-level authors in the field of machine learning. After the introduction, the following 19 chapters start with fundamental or instrumental topics such as graphical models, inductive logic programming, and conditional random fields. Next, the bulk of the book (chapters 5 to 12) is properly devoted to approaches that combine probabilistic languages or inference techniques on relational data, some of them "frame-based" and some of them logic based. From chapter 13 to the end of the book, the topics are more specific, covering particular systems, languages, tasks, application areas, and machine-learning paradigms. As usually happens with collections, some chapters are clearly more introductory than others, but there are many examples in most chapters. While the content is, in general, of excellent quality, the book's organization might have been improved. Although the order for chapters is sensible, chapters frequently overlap, and the authors do not always mention this fact. For instance, chapter 4 devotes several pages to graphical models, while chapter 2 is completely devoted to graphical models. Of course, it is a good thing that each chapter can be read independently from the rest, but only in a very few chapters can one find short references to or comments about other chapters, even though the possible and useful connections between chapters are numerous. The introduction (chapter 1) does not fill this gap, and gives no hints on whether the book's chapters should be read sequentially or independently. Additionally, the introduction of the term "statistical relational learning" and its history seems to be defined for researchers who are already in the area, not for newcomers. In fact, a short section such as "The Need for a Unifying Framework," given in chapter 12, would have provided a more direct and clear invitation to the field. A more cohesive structure would have given the book more points to be appropriate not only for "researchers," but also for "graduate students," as the editors claim. Graduate students will clearly need assistance in choosing the right chapters, and in ascertaining which previous knowledge on statistics, machine learning, programming languages, databases, and computer science in general is required for each chapter. On the other hand, if this book is intended for researchers in machine learning and data mining who would like to enter this new field, to acquire a good state-of-the-art knowledge, or to use it as a reference, then the organization and presentation is sober but sufficient. In any case, the book clearly fills the need for an integrated and up-to-date introduction to a very important area (either called "statistical relational learning" or referred to in other terms); it is an area that will receive more and more attention in the future. The presence of some extremely excellent contributors is a credit to the book. Additionally, in many cases, these authors have presented their more mature ideas and works, which will make this book highly referenced, and not as prone to become obsolete in the near future. Online Computing Reviews Service

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