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Cited By
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The media inequality, uncanny mountain, and the singularity is far from near: Iwaa and Sophia robot versus a real human being
Highlights- Human-likeness is about intrinsic rather than extrinsic qualities of a humanoid robot.
- Human-likeness is not higher for human-looking robots compared to non-human looking robots.
- Human and non-human looking robots are not ...
AbstractDesign of Artificial Intelligence and robotics habitually assumes that adding more humanlike features improves the user experience, mainly kept in check by suspicion of uncanny effects. Three strands of theorizing are brought together for the ...
On the singularity of multivariate Hermite interpolation
In this paper, we study the singularity of multivariate Hermite interpolation of type total degree. We present two methods to judge the singularity of the interpolation schemes considered and by methods to be developed, we show that all Hermite ...
On the singularity of a class of parametric curves
We consider parametric curves that are represented by combination of control points and basis functions. We let a control point vary while the rest is held fixed. We show that the locus of the moving control point that yields a zero curvature point on ...