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Cited By
- Brown P, Czapiga K, Jotshi A, Kanza Y, Kounev V and Suresh P (2023). Planning Wireless Backhaul Links by Testing Line of Sight and Fresnel Zone Clearance, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, 9:1, (1-30), Online publication date: 31-Mar-2023.
- Brown P, Czapiga K, Jotshi A, Kanza Y, Kounev V and Suresh P Large-Scale Geospatial Planning of Wireless Backhaul Links Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, (131-134)
- Qu Y, Ng B and Homer M (2017). A goodput distribution model for planning IEEE 802.11 WBNs in built environments, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 99:C, (28-46), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017.
- Zhou X, Zhang Z, Wang G, Yu X, Zhao B and Zheng H (2015). Practical conflict graphs in the wild, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 23:3, (824-835), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2015.
- Hong Yao , Deze Zeng , Huawei Huang , Song Guo , Barnawi A and Stojmenovic I (2015). Opportunistic Offloading of Deadline-Constrained Bulk Cellular Traffic in Vehicular DTNs, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 64:12, (3515-3527), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2015.
- Zhou X, Zhang Z, Wang G, Yu X, Zhao B and Zheng H Practical conflict graphs for dynamic spectrum distribution Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS/international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems, (5-16)
- Hoseini-Tabatabaei S, Gluhak A and Tafazolli R (2013). A survey on smartphone-based systems for opportunistic user context recognition, ACM Computing Surveys, 45:3, (1-51), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2013.
- Zhou X, Zhang Z, Wang G, Yu X, Zhao B and Zheng H (2013). Practical conflict graphs for dynamic spectrum distribution, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 41:1, (5-16), Online publication date: 14-Jun-2013.
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- Tao X, Deng H, Xing T and Lu J Reconfiguration of Wireless Communications Network Architecture for Supporting Power Efficient Transmission Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Green Computing and Communications & Int'l Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, (308-312)
- Ye Y and Megson G Distributed acceleration of mobile radio network optimisation algorithms Proceedings of the 9th conference on Wireless telecommunications symposium, (124-131)
- Freedman A and Levin M Virtual drive test Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing: Connecting the World Wirelessly, (1433-1437)
- Fernekeß A, Klein A, Wegmann B and Dietrich K Estimating cell throughput of OFDMA systems with scheduling Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing: Connecting the World Wirelessly, (1483-1487)
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- Foughali L, Talbi E and Batouche M Location areas planning optimization in mobile networks Proceedings of the 19th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, (528-533)
- Kouris I, Makris C and Tsakalidis A Making items suggestions in non online environments Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases, (400-405)
- Ricciato F, Pilz R and Hasenleithner E Measurement-Based optimization of a 3g core network Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking, (70-82)
Multi‐objective optimisation for heterogeneous cellular network planning
Small cell aims at improving the cell coverage and capacity of macrocell. Network operators investigate cell planning for improving system performance and for satisfying user requirements with minimal construction cost and least unserved users. Most of ...
Multiple objective optimisation applied to route planning
GECCO '11: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computationThis paper presents an evaluation of the benefits of multi-objective optimisation algorithms, compared to single objective optimisation algorithms, when applied to the problem of planning a route over an unstructured environment, where a route has a ...
A novel hierarchical task network planning approach for multi-objective optimization
AbstractIn this paper, we focus on how to generate the multi-objective optimal plan in hierarchical task network (HTN) planning. Many practical HTN planning problems not only require feasible plans, but also require these plans to achieve the best ...
Highlights- An approach is proposed to handle the multi-objective optimization in HTN planning.
- An HTN planning approach combines heuristic search and anytime search.
- The heuristic search based on dominance relations is proposed.
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