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Cited By
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- Yin J, Liu C, Lin R, Vining N, Rhodin H and Sheffer A (2022). Detecting viewer-perceived intended vector sketch connectivity, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 41:4, (1-11), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022.
- MOUSA M and HUSSEIN M (2022). Surface approximation using GPU-based localized fourier transform, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, 34:4, (1431-1438), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2022.
- Huang Z, Carr N and Ju T (2019). Variational implicit point set surfaces, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 38:4, (1-13), Online publication date: 31-Aug-2019.
- Yan K, Cheng H and Huang J (2019). Representing implicit surfaces satisfying Lipschitz conditions by 4-dimensional point sets, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 354:C, (42-57), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2019.
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- Xu K, Zheng L, Yan Z, Yan G, Zhang E, Niessner M, Deussen O, Cohen-Or D and Huang H (2017). Autonomous reconstruction of unknown indoor scenes guided by time-varying tensor fields, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 36:6, (1-15), Online publication date: 20-Nov-2017.
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- Liu Y, Song Y, Yang Z and Deng J (2017). Implicit surface reconstruction with total variation regularization, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 52:C, (135-153), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2017.
- Dey T, Dong Z and Wang Y Parameter-free topology inference and sparsification for data on manifolds Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, (2733-2747)
- Berger M, Tagliasacchi A, Seversky L, Alliez P, Guennebaud G, Levine J, Sharf A and Silva C (2017). A Survey of Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds, Computer Graphics Forum, 36:1, (301-329), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017.
- Xu K, Kim V, Huang Q, Mitra N and Kalogerakis E Data-driven shape analysis and processing SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Courses, (1-38)
- Ohrhallinger S, Mitchell S and Wimmer M Curve reconstruction with many fewer samples Proceedings of the Symposium on Geometry Processing, (167-176)
- Mandad M, Cohen-Steiner D and Alliez P (2015). Isotopic approximation within a tolerance volume, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 34:4, (1-12), Online publication date: 27-Jul-2015.
- Nagai Y, Ohtake Y and Suzuki H (2018). Tomographic surface reconstruction from point cloud, Computers and Graphics, 46:C, (55-63), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2015.
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- Patkar S, Aanjaneya M, Bartle A, Lee M and Fedkiw R Efficient denting and bending of rigid bodies Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, (87-96)
- Skraba P and Wang B Approximating local homology from samples Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, (174-192)
- Boissonnat J and Ghosh A (2014). Manifold Reconstruction Using Tangential Delaunay Complexes, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 51:1, (221-267), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2014.
- Taubin G Non-convex hull surfaces SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Technical Briefs, (1-4)
- Dey T, Fan F and Wang Y Graph induced complex on point data Proceedings of the twenty-ninth annual symposium on Computational geometry, (107-116)
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- Dey T and Wang Y (2013). Reeb Graphs, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 49:1, (46-73), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
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- Cheng S and Jin J Edge flips and deforming surface meshes Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, (331-340)
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- Boissonnat J and Ghosh A Manifold reconstruction using tangential Delaunay complexes Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual symposium on Computational geometry, (324-333)
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- Busaryev O, Dey T and Levine J Repairing and meshing imperfect shapes with Delaunay refinement 2009 SIAM/ACM Joint Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, (25-33)
- Dey T, Li K, Ramos E and Wenger R Isotopic reconstruction of surfaces with boundaries Proceedings of the Symposium on Geometry Processing, (1371-1382)
- Luo C, Sun J and Wang Y Integral estimation from point cloud in d-dimensional space Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual symposium on Computational geometry, (116-124)
- Dey T, Li K, Sun J and Cohen-Steiner D Computing geometry-aware handle and tunnel loops in 3D models ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 papers, (1-9)
- Dey T, Li K, Sun J and Cohen-Steiner D (2008). Computing geometry-aware handle and tunnel loops in 3D models, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27:3, (1-9), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2008.
- Belkin M, Sun J and Wang Y Discrete laplace operator on meshed surfaces Proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual symposium on Computational geometry, (278-287)
- Cheng S and Dey T Maintaining deforming surface meshes Proceedings of the nineteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, (112-121)
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- Alberti L and Mourrain B Regularity criteria for the topology of algebraic curves and surfaces Proceedings of the 12th IMA international conference on Mathematics of surfaces XII, (1-28)
- Attali D, Edelsbrunner H, Harer J and Mileyko Y Alpha-beta witness complexes Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Algorithms and Data Structures, (386-397)
- Erten H and Üngör A Triangulations with locally optimal Steiner points Proceedings of the fifth Eurographics symposium on Geometry processing, (143-152)
- Alliez P, Cohen-Steiner D, Tong Y and Desbrun M Voronoi-based variational reconstruction of unoriented point sets Proceedings of the fifth Eurographics symposium on Geometry processing, (39-48)
- Ramos E and Sadri B Geometric and topological guarantees for the WRAP reconstruction algorithm Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, (1086-1095)
Index Terms
- Curve and Surface Reconstruction: Algorithms with Mathematical Analysis (Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics)
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