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Cited By
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- Crary K Modules, abstraction, and parametric polymorphism Proceedings of the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, (100-113)
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Index Terms
- Programming in Modula-2
Modula-2 versus Java as the first programming language: Evaluation of students' performance
CompSysTech '16: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies 2016The choice of the first programming language in computer science curricula is a complex multi-faceted issue that needs to be addressed from multiple points of view. In this paper we adopt the perspective of the teacher, and after surveying factors such ...
Concurrent programming in Modula-2
This paper describes a concurrent process manager that has been developed for the Modula-2 programming language. Using this software, students can gain practical experience in designing and implementing concurrent programs using processes, semaphores, ...
Concurrent programming in Modula-2
SIGCSE '87: Proceedings of the eighteenth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science educationThis paper describes a concurrent process manager that has been developed for the Modula-2 programming language. Using this software, students can gain practical experience in designing and implementing concurrent programs using processes, semaphores, ...