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- Aaraj N, Ravi S, Raghunathan A and Jha N Architectures for efficient face authentication in embedded systems Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe: Designers' forum, (1-6)
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- Gross R and Acquisti A Information revelation and privacy in online social networks Proceedings of the 2005 ACM workshop on Privacy in the electronic society, (71-80)
- Jain A Biometric recognition Proceedings of the 14th Scandinavian conference on Image Analysis, (1-5)
- Duan X and Tan Z Local feature learning for face recognition under varying poses 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), (2905-2909)
Index Terms
- Handbook of Face Recognition
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Age-Invariant Face Recognition
One of the challenges in automatic face recognition is to achieve temporal invariance. In other words, the goal is to come up with a representation and matching scheme that is robust to changes due to facial aging. Facial aging is a complex process that ...
Face recognition under varying illumination using gradientfaces
In this correspondence, we propose a novel method to extract illumination insensitive features for face recognition under varying lighting called the Gradientfaces. Theoretical analysis shows Gradientfaces is an illumination insensitive measure, and ...