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Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 3rd EditionMay 2003
  • Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc.
  • 340 Pine Street, Sixth Floor
  • San Francisco
  • CA
  • United States
Published:01 May 2003
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  • Princeton University
  • Cisco Systems


Cecilia G. Manrique

This hefty, more than 800-page text has shown its staying power by going into its third edition. It combines the major standard knowledge one needs to learn about computer networks and their operations with the newest, latest developments in the field, such as the ability of the Internet to transmit video and audio information. Like the authors, I favor the use of the systems approach, because it treats the network as being made up of interrelated parts that work together to perform a specific function. By focusing on this interconnectedness, students and professionals in the networking field are provided with the best possible conceptual basis for understanding the current state of networking technologies, as well as the foundation for the new ones that will evolve in the near future. The book starts out with the basics of computer networks, including how and why they operate, and then moves into the complexities of the relationships among the various components and aspects of intranets and the Internet. Each chapter starts out with a quote, and a problem area. The book delves into each of the topics (the foundation; building blocks of networks; direct link networks; packet switching; Internetworking; end-to-end protocols; congestion control and resource allocation; end-to-end data; network security; and various applications, such as multimedia) in an in-depth manner, so that the student feels comfortable with the build-up of knowledge. Each chapter features diagrams; C code samples; pictures; and shaded sidebars, discussing advanced topics, such as "How Big is a Mega__?__" and "Adaptive Video Coding," to elaborate on the various aspects being discussed in the chapter. Hundreds of end-of-chapter exercises are also provided, so that students can determine whether they have absorbed the information in the chapter. Some of the questions are simple, and others are difficult and more complicated, and are meant to challenge those who wish to be challenged. Answers to some of the questions are also provided at the back of the book. Each chapter ends with a summary of what was covered; a thought-provoking open issue, such as ubiquitous networking or the future of ATM; and a list of further reading materials and "live" Web page references (those proven to be more stable resources, which will not disappear from the Internet overnight). At the end of the book, the user will find a glossary of the terms used in the text, as well as a more extensive bibliography. What I would have appreciated, and what would have been helpful, is a listing of the various acronyms used in the book, for quick reference. Every field of study has its own set of jargon, and computing and networking are no different. It would have been valuable to know that there was a list of acronyms and their meanings at the beginning of the text, so that one would not have to wade through the glossary to find them. An added feature of this edition is a downloadable network simulation lab manual, to allow students to visualize and experiment with the core networking technologies that are being discussed in the book. This is a valuable pedagogical tool, since it is in direct coordination with the book's discussion of various topics. This textbook tries to be up to date, and succeeds at incorporating the features that its readers and users must have asked for in their feedback on the previous edition. As such, the book satisfies the needs of students and professors alike, in gaining a better understanding of networks, and of what the future might hold for them. Online Computing Reviews Service

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