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View all- Cheng R(2017)History of input modelingProceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference10.5555/3242181.3242194(1-21)Online publication date: 3-Dec-2017
Display Omitted We retrospectively analyze one large (20,000+ patient) EHR for HACs.Optimal predictive power for HACs (AUC=0.845) found at 72h after admission.We report relevant features for clinicians to be aware of to identify HACs.Lab values are ...
Risk predictions of hospital readmission for heart failure patients are investigated.RBFNN, RF and PSO-SVM models are used to predict patient readmission risk.The PSO-SVM achieves 78.4% on overall accuracy and 97.3% on sensitivity.The PSO-SVM ...
Hospital-acquired infection threatens the patients' health and life and also impacts medical quality by decreasing the bed turnover rate, prolonging hospitalization, increasing hospital costs and bringing the patients the huge economic losses. Therefore,...
Winter Simulation Conference
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