Introduction to Reconfigurable Computing provides a comprehensive study of the field Reconfigurable Computing. It provides an entry point to the novice willing to move in the research field reconfigurable computing, FPGA and system on programmable chip design. The book can also be used as teaching reference for a graduate course in computer engineering, or as reference to advance electrical and computer engineers. It provides a very strong theoretical and practical background to the field of reconfigurable computing, from the early Estrins machine to the very modern architecture like coarse-grained reconfigurable device and the embedded logic devices. Apart from the introduction and the conclusion, the main chapters of the book are Architecture of reconfigurable systems, Design and implementation, High-Level Synthesis for Reconfigurable Devices, Temporal placement, On-line and Dynamic Interconnection, Designing a reconfigurable application on Xilinx Virtex FPGA, System on programmable chip, Applications.
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