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Digital audio, video, images, and documents are flying through cyberspace to their respective owners. Unfortunately, along the way, individuals may choose to intervene and take this content for themselves. Digital watermarking and steganography technology greatly reduces the instances of this by limiting or eliminating the ability of third parties to decipher the content that he has taken. The many techiniques of digital watermarking (embedding a code) and steganography (hiding information) continue to evolve as applications that necessitate them do the same. The authors of this second edition provide an update on the framework for applying these techniques that they provided researchers and professionals in the first well-received edition. Steganography and steganalysis (the art of detecting hidden information) have been added to a robust treatment of digital watermarking, as many in each field research and deal with the other. New material includes watermarking with side information, QIM, and dirty-paper codes. The revision and inclusion of new material by these influential authors has created a must-own book for anyone in this profession. *This new edition now contains essential information on steganalysis and steganography *New concepts and new applications including QIM introduced *Digital watermark embedding is given a complete update with new processes and applications
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Cited By
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- Ma L, Fang H, Wei T, Yang Z, Ma Z, Zhang W and Yu N A Geometric Distortion Immunized Deep Watermarking Framework with Robustness Generalizability Computer Vision – ECCV 2024, (268-285)
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- Dharwadkar N, Parane K and Poojara S A Novel Scheme of Data Hiding for Color Images in Spatial Domain with High Capacity of Embedding Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology 2015, (403-407)
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- Fujiyoshi M and Kiya H Histogram-Based Near-Lossless Data Hiding and Its Application to Image Compression Proceedings, Part II, of the 16th Pacific-Rim Conference on Advances in Multimedia Information Processing -- PCM 2015 - Volume 9315, (225-235)
- Hajj-Ahmad A, Baudry S, Chupeau B and Doërr G Flicker Forensics for Pirate Device Identification Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, (75-84)
- Hou J, Kim D, Choi S and Lee H 3D Print-Scan Resilient Watermarking Using a Histogram-Based Circular Shift Coding Structure Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security, (115-121)
- Huang Y and Tsai Y (2015). A Reversible Data Hiding Scheme for 3D Polygonal Models Based on Histogram Shifting with High Embedding Capacity, 3D Research, 6:2, (1-12), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2015.
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- Hernaez I, Saratxaga I, Ye J, Sanchez J, Erro D and Navas E Speech Watermarking Based on Coding of the Harmonic Phase Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages - Volume 8854, (259-268)
- Subhedar M and Mankar V High Capacity Image Steganography based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, (1-7)
- Kim D, Lee G and Yoo K A reversible data hiding scheme based on histogram shifting using edge direction predictor Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems, (126-131)
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- Xu S and Lai S An Optimal Least Significant Bit Based Image Steganography Algorithm Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service, (42-45)
- Carnein M, Schöttle P and Böhme R Predictable rain? Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Information hiding and multimedia security, (97-108)
- Quiring E and Schöttle P On the combination of randomized thresholds and non-parametric boundaries to protect digital watermarks against sensitivity attacks Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Information hiding and multimedia security, (41-48)
- Zhang H, Cao Y, Zhao X, Zhang W and Yu N Video steganography with perturbed macroblock partition Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Information hiding and multimedia security, (115-122)
- Urvoy M and Autrusseau F Application of Grubbs' test for outliers to the detection of watermarks Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Information hiding and multimedia security, (49-60)
- Hirata N and Kawamura M Digital watermarking method using LDPC code for clipped image Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Information hiding and its criteria for evaluation, (25-30)
- Hou J, Park J, Kim D, Nam S and Lee H Robust video watermarking for MPEG compression and DA-AD conversion Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Information hiding and its criteria for evaluation, (2-8)
- Wang J, Guan L, Liu L and Zha D Implementing a Covert Timing Channel Based on Mimic Function Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience - Volume 8434, (247-261)
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- Kanduri Y and Midatala M Digital Watermarking Using Modified Techniques in Spectral Domain of Images Proceedings of the First International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration - Volume 8284, (310-315)
- Kim D, Park G and Yoo K An Improved Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Based On Neighboring Pixel Differences Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia, (282-285)
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- Naskar R and Chakraborty R (2013). A generalized tamper localization approach for reversible watermarking algorithms, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 9:3, (1-22), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2013.
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- Gujjunoori S and Amberker B A DCT based reversible data embedding scheme for MPEG-4 video using HVS characteristics Proceedings of the Eighth Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, (1-7)
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- Pandian N and Thangavel R A hybrid embedded steganography technique Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, (1123-1130)
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- Naskar R and Chakraborty R Reversible image watermarking through coordinate logic operation based prediction Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Information Systems Security, (190-203)
- Minamoto T and Ohura R A blind digital image watermarking method based on the dual-tree complex discrete wavelet transform and interval arithmetic Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Information Security and Cryptology, (437-449)
- Poh G and Z'aba M On the security and practicality of a buyer seller watermarking protocol for DRM Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Security of information and networks, (251-254)
- Di Crescenzo G and Arce G Data forensics constructions from cryptographic hashing and coding Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking, (494-509)
- Yamada T and Takahashi Y Use of "emergable watermarks" as copy indicators for securing video content Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Digital-Forensics and Watermarking, (181-195)
- Bandyopadhyay S, Naskar R and Chakraborty R Reversible watermarking using priority embedding through repeated application of integer wavelet transform Proceedings of the First international conference on Security aspects in information technology, (45-56)
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- Tsai M and Liu J A game-theoretic system security design for the visible watermarking Proceedings of the 2nd ACM workshop on Multimedia in forensics, security and intelligence, (19-24)
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- Feng X and Doërr G FLD-based detection of re-compressed speech signals Proceedings of the 12th ACM workshop on Multimedia and security, (43-48)
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- Li W, Liu Y and Xue X Robust audio identification for MP3 popular music Proceedings of the 33rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, (627-634)
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Adaptive removable visible watermarking technique using dual watermarking for digital color images
This paper proposes a removable visible watermarking system based on a dual watermark technique and blind removal. A visible watermark pattern is embedded in the cosine discrete transform (DCT) domain, taking into consideration the texture and luminance ...