Uma interface multimodal para objetos de aprendizagem visualizados na TV digital
Pages 284 - 287
This paper proposes a paper interface, with the use of a barcode reader as Digital TV (DTV) interaction device. With the DTV, t-learning arises as an opportunity in order to promote the learning to a major amount of people than the traditional e-learning doesn't reach. But, the use of remote control in the DTV has resulted a complex viewer interaction that may cause the user's frustration and irritation and the ease of use is one of the most important factors in the DTV. This paper aims linking the common paper with DTV, in order to get better usabilility and promote more conditions to t-learning. A prototype was finished, and usability tests were carried out. The results show that the barcode reader can be used as DTV interaction device.
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Index Terms
- Uma interface multimodal para objetos de aprendizagem visualizados na TV digital
O papel comum como interface para TV digital
IHC '06: Proceedings of VII Brazilian symposium on Human factors in computing systemsThis paper considers the use of a barcode reader as Digital TV (DTV) interaction device. With the DTV, t-learning arises as an opportunity in order to promote the learning to a major amount of people than the traditional e-learning doesn't reach. But, ...
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- SBC: Brazilian Computer Society
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação
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Published: 21 October 2008
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- Research-article
IHC08: VIII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems
October 21 - 24, 2008
RS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
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