Autonomous collaborative web agents
Index Terms
- Autonomous collaborative web agents
A society of cooperative agents on the information network: towards intelligent information gathering
ICNP '95: Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference on Network ProtocolsProposes a completely agent-based approach for information gathering on information networks with a large number of distributed heterogeneous sources, such as Internet. Locating and accessing information in such a large distributed system which changes ...
A security system implementation using software agents
This paper presents multi-agent system architecture to protect hosts and users. The main objective of this system is to provide a secure environment to users at two levels. At the first level, the user is authenticated and authorised. At the second ...
A Client-Oriented Distribution Architecture for Web Search Agents
ISADS '97: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized SystemsAmong the agents deployed on the Web, search agents which can query multiple search engines simultaneously are gaining popularity among end-users. As the number of users and search engines increase, however, establishing multiple connections to remote ...
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