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  • Vargas S, Baltrunas L, Karatzoglou A and Castells P. Coverage, redundancy and size-awareness in genre diversity for recommender systems. Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender systems. (209-216).


  • Calumby R, da Silva Torres R and Goncalves M. (2014). Diversity-driven learning for multimodal image retrieval with relevance feedback 2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). 10.1109/ICIP.2014.7025445. 978-1-4799-5751-4. (2197-2201).


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  • Vargas S and Castells P. Exploiting the diversity of user preferences for recommendation. Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Open Research Areas in Information Retrieval. (129-136).
