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- ArticleSeptember 2024
Fast Attack Graph Defense Localization via Bisimulation
AbstractSystem administrators, network engineers, and IT managers can learn much about the vulnerabilities of an organization’s cyber system by constructing and analyzing analytical attack graphs (AAGs). An AAG consists of logical rule nodes, fact nodes, ...
- short-paperJune 2024
Towards Speedy Permission-Based Debloating for Android Apps
MOBILESoft '24: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 11th International Conference on Mobile Software Engineering and SystemsPages 84–87https://doi.org/10.1145/3647632.3651390Android apps typically include many functionalities that not all users require. These result in software bloat that increases possible attack surface and app size. Common functionalities that users may not require are related to permissions that they ...
- research-articleApril 2024
MiniMon: Minimizing Android Applications with Intelligent Monitoring-Based Debloating
- Jiakun Liu,
- Zicheng Zhang,
- Xing Hu,
- Ferdian Thung,
- Shahar Maoz,
- Debin Gao,
- Eran Toch,
- Zhipeng Zhao,
- David Lo
ICSE '24: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software EngineeringArticle No.: 206, Pages 1–13https://doi.org/10.1145/3597503.3639113The size of Android applications is getting larger to fulfill the requirements of various users. However, not all the features of the applications are needed and desired by a specific user. The unnecessary and non-desired features can increase the attack ...
Kind Controllers and Fast Heuristics for Non-Well-Separated GR(1) Specifications
ICSE '24: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software EngineeringArticle No.: 28, Pages 1–12https://doi.org/10.1145/3597503.3608131Non-well-separation (NWS) is a known quality issue in specifications for reactive synthesis. The problem of NWS occurs when the synthesized system can avoid satisfying its guarantees by preventing the environment from being able to satisfy its ...
- research-articleSeptember 2024
AutoDebloater: Automated Android App Debloating
ASE '23: Proceedings of the 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software EngineeringPages 2090–2093https://doi.org/10.1109/ASE56229.2023.00017Android applications are getting bigger with an increasing number of features. However, not all the features are needed by a specific user. The unnecessary features can increase the attack surface and cost additional resources (e.g., storage and memory). ...
- research-articleSeptember 2023
Anti-Patterns (Smells) in Temporal Specifications
ICSE-NIER '23: Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging ResultsPages 13–18https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE-NIER58687.2023.00009Temporal specifications are essential inputs for verification and synthesis. Despite their importance, temporal specifications are challenging to write, which might limit their use by software engineers. To this day, almost no quality attributes of ...
Using Reactive Synthesis: An End-to-End Exploratory Case Study
ICSE '23: Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software EngineeringPages 742–754https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE48619.2023.00071Reactive synthesis is an automated procedure to obtain a correct-by-construction reactive system from its temporal logic specification. Despite its attractiveness and major research progress in the past decades, reactive synthesis is still in early-...
Triggers for Reactive Synthesis Specifications
ICSE '23: Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software EngineeringPages 729–741https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE48619.2023.00070Reactive synthesis is an automated procedure to obtain a correct-by-construction reactive system from its temporal logic specification. Two of the main challenges in bringing reactive synthesis to practice are its very high worst-case complexity and ...
Which of My Assumptions are Unnecessary for Realizability and Why Should I Care?
ICSE '23: Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software EngineeringPages 221–232https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE48619.2023.00030Specifications for reactive systems synthesis consist of assumptions and guarantees. However, some specifications may include unnecessary assumptions, i.e., assumptions that are not necessary for realizability. While the controllers that are ...
Validating the correctness of reactive systems specifications through systematic exploration
MODELS '22: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and SystemsPages 132–142https://doi.org/10.1145/3550355.3552425Reactive synthesis is an automated procedure to obtain a correct-by-construction reactive system from its temporal logic specification. While the synthesized system is guaranteed to be correct w.r.t. the specification, the specification itself may be ...
- research-articleJuly 2022
Dynamic update for synthesized GR(1) controllers
ICSE '22: Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software EngineeringPages 786–797https://doi.org/10.1145/3510003.3510054Reactive synthesis is an automated procedure to obtain a correct-by-construction reactive system from its temporal logic specification. GR(1) is an expressive fragment of LTL that enables efficient synthesis and has been recently used in different ...
- ArticleNovember 2021
- research-articleOctober 2021
Spectra: a specification language for reactive systems
Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) (SPSSM), Volume 20, Issue 5Pages 1553–1586https://doi.org/10.1007/s10270-021-00868-zAbstractWe introduce Spectra, a new specification language for reactive systems, specifically tailored for the context of reactive synthesis. The meaning of Spectra is defined by a translation to a kernel language. Spectra comes with the Spectra Tools, a ...
- research-articleAugust 2021
GR(1)*: GR(1) specifications extended with existential guarantees
Formal Aspects of Computing (FAC), Volume 33, Issue 4-5Pages 729–761https://doi.org/10.1007/s00165-021-00535-6AbstractReactive synthesis is an automated procedure to obtain a correct-by-construction reactive system from its temporal logic specification. GR(1) is an expressive assume-guarantee fragment of LTL that enables efficient synthesis and has been recently ...
- research-articleNovember 2021
Reactive synthesis with spectra: a tutorial
ICSE '21: Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion ProceedingsPages 320–321https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE-Companion52605.2021.00136Spectra is a formal specification language specifically tailored for use in the context of reactive synthesis, an automated procedure to obtain a correct-by-construction reactive system from its temporal logic specification. Spectra comes with the ...
- research-articleNovember 2021
Unrealizable cores for reactive systems specifications: artifact
ICSE '21: Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion ProceedingsPages 217–218https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE-Companion52605.2021.00097This document describes the artifact that accompanies the ICSE'21 paper "Unrealizable Cores for Reactive Systems Specifications". The artifact includes the specifications that were used in the experiments that are described in the paper. It further ...
Unrealizable Cores for Reactive Systems Specifications
ICSE '21: Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software EngineeringPages 25–36https://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE43902.2021.00016One of the main challenges of reactive synthesis, an automated procedure to obtain a correct-by-construction reactive system, is to deal with unrealizable specifications. One means to deal with unrealizability, in the context of GR(1), an expressive ...
- research-articleJanuary 2021
Just-in-time reactive synthesis
ASE '20: Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software EngineeringPages 635–646https://doi.org/10.1145/3324884.3416557Reactive synthesis is an automated procedure to obtain a correct-by-construction reactive system from its temporal logic specification. GR(1) is an expressive assume-guarantee fragment of LTL that enables efficient synthesis and has been recently used in ...
- research-articleNovember 2020
Inherent vacuity for GR(1) specifications
ESEC/FSE 2020: Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software EngineeringPages 99–110https://doi.org/10.1145/3368089.3409669Vacuity is a well-known quality issue in formal specifications, studied mostly in the context of model checking. Inherent vacuity is a type of vacuity that applies to specifications, without the context of a model. GR(1) is an expressive assume-...
- research-articleFebruary 2020
Size and accuracy in model inference
ASE '19: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software EngineeringPages 887–898https://doi.org/10.1109/ASE.2019.00087Many works infer finite-state models from execution logs. Large models are more accurate but also more difficult to present and understand. Small models are easier to present and understand but are less accurate.
In this work we investigate the tradeoff ...