An Effective Algorithm for Finding Shortest Paths in Tubular Spaces
<p>The regular and self-overlapping tube. The regular tube ensures the correctness of the directed graph in the following section.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Discrete approach for the ESP problem. (<b>Left</b>) Inner space of the tube transformed into a series of meshed circular disks; and (<b>Right</b>) the directed graph.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>(<b>Left</b>) The dashed red rays describe the positive directions. (<b>Right</b>) <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">A</mi> </semantics></math> can see <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">B</mi> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">D</mi> </semantics></math> because the line segments <math display="inline"><semantics> <mover> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">AB</mi> <mo>¯</mo> </mover> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mover> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">AD</mi> <mo>¯</mo> </mover> </semantics></math> are totally contained by <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="sans-serif">Ω</mi> </semantics></math>. Furthermore, by this definition, <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">A</mi> </semantics></math> cannot see <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">C</mi> </semantics></math>. The green and blue dashed lines terminating at the boundary <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>∂</mo> <mi mathvariant="sans-serif">Ω</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> illustrate the line of sights. Among them, the blue one is the longest length of sight, an important concept used in the following method.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The visible area of a cross-section <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>i</mi> </msub> </semantics></math> is described by the yellow zone(s) which must be unique and continuous.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Curved segments lying on surfaces of positive and zero curvatures where A and B can see each other.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>(<b>Left</b>) Tube portion between the cross-sections containing <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">X</mi> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Y</mi> </semantics></math> which can see each other. <math display="inline"><semantics> <mfenced open="(" close=")"> <mi>α</mi> </mfenced> </semantics></math> is an arbitrary plane containing <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">XY</mi> </semantics></math> but not containing <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">p</mi> <mo>˙</mo> </mover> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <msub> <mi>s</mi> <mi>X</mi> </msub> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math>. The ESP <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">p</mi> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math> only changes its direction <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">p</mi> <mo>˙</mo> </mover> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> on its geodesic segment(s). <span class="html-italic">S</span> is an arbitrary cross-section of the tube where the geodesic segment crosses. (<b>Right</b>) On the projection view plane that is perpendicular to <math display="inline"><semantics> <mfenced open="(" close=")"> <mi>α</mi> </mfenced> </semantics></math> (<math display="inline"><semantics> <mfenced open="(" close=")"> <mi>α</mi> </mfenced> </semantics></math> degenerates to a straight line), as <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">p</mi> <mo>¨</mo> </mover> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> points outside the envelope of <span class="html-italic">S</span>, it also points away from <math display="inline"><semantics> <mfenced open="(" close=")"> <mi>α</mi> </mfenced> </semantics></math>. As <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">p</mi> <mo>˙</mo> </mover> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <msub> <mi>s</mi> <mi>X</mi> </msub> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> points away from <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>α</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math>, by mathematical induction, <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">p</mi> <mo>˙</mo> </mover> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> will point away from <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>α</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math>, <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>∀</mo> <mi>s</mi> <mo>∈</mo> <mfenced separators="" open="[" close="]"> <msub> <mi>s</mi> <mi>X</mi> </msub> <mo>,</mo> <msub> <mi>s</mi> <mi>Y</mi> </msub> </mfenced> </mrow> </semantics></math>.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Point <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">X</mi> </semantics></math> can see cross-section <span class="html-italic">S</span>. <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Y</mi> </semantics></math> is the intersection of the direction of the ESP <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mover accent="true"> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">p</mi> <mo>˙</mo> </mover> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>X</mi> </msub> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math> and the plane containing <span class="html-italic">S</span>. In <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi>β</mi> <mo>(</mo> <mi>S</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math> and through <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Y</mi> </semantics></math>, we draw an arbitrary straight line that intersects the visible area <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>σ</mi> <mi>X</mi> </msub> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>S</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math>. Let <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">W</mi> </semantics></math> be the intersection point that is closest to <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Y</mi> </semantics></math>. (<b>Left</b>) <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">W</mi> </semantics></math> is in the inner zone of <span class="html-italic">S</span>; (<b>Right</b>) <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">W</mi> </semantics></math> is on the boundary of <span class="html-italic">S</span>.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Three partitions of the shortest path correspond to three sections of the tube. At <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">A</mi> </semantics></math> belonging to <b>P3</b>, the VP cannot see the ending cross-section <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mrow> <mi>e</mi> <mi>n</mi> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> </msub> </semantics></math>. The correct direction corresponds to the longest length of sight. At <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">B</mi> </semantics></math> belonging to <b>P2</b>, <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mrow> <mi>e</mi> <mi>n</mi> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> </msub> </semantics></math> can see been, but not <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="fraktur">Q</mi> </semantics></math>. The correct direction is towards the visible point <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Y</mi> </semantics></math> in <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mrow> <mi>e</mi> <mi>n</mi> <mi>d</mi> </mrow> </msub> </semantics></math> so that the angle <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi>θ</mi> </semantics></math> between <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">BY</mi> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">B</mi> <mi mathvariant="fraktur">Q</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math> is the smallest one. At <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">C</mi> </semantics></math> in <b>P1</b>, the particle can see <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="fraktur">Q</mi> </semantics></math>. The correct direction is towards <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="fraktur">Q</mi> </semantics></math>.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The oriented drilling process: (1) <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">C</mi> <mrow> <mi>i</mi> <mo>−</mo> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> </msub> </semantics></math> can see <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">T</mi> </semantics></math> in section <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>j</mi> </msub> </semantics></math>, (2) expand the examined direction in the vicinity of <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">T</mi> </semantics></math> until seeing <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">T</mi> <mrow> <mi>n</mi> <mi>e</mi> <mi>w</mi> </mrow> </msub> </semantics></math> in section <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>k</mi> </msub> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>k</mi> <mo>></mo> <mi>j</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </mrow> </semantics></math>, (3) update <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">T</mi> </semantics></math> by <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">T</mi> <mrow> <mi>n</mi> <mi>e</mi> <mi>w</mi> </mrow> </msub> </semantics></math>, <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>j</mi> </msub> </semantics></math> by <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>k</mi> </msub> </semantics></math> and repeat step 2 for the new <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">T</mi> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>j</mi> </msub> </semantics></math>, (4) repeat step 3, (5) the expanding process is over and we do not find any farther section <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>k</mi> </msub> <mo>=</mo> <mo>∅</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math>, and we then compare all the length of sight passing through the visible area in <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>j</mi> </msub> </semantics></math> to obtain the direction corresponding to the longest length of sight, and (6) initialize the next correct point of the shortest path <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">C</mi> <mi>i</mi> </msub> </semantics></math> as the intersection point between the correct direction and cross-section <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>i</mi> </msub> </semantics></math>.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Tubular space with two curved segments in space. By <b>L.P</b>, and <b>T.P</b>, we denote the path length and the computation time for the solution obtained by the proposed method. Similarly, <b>L.D</b>, and <b>T.D</b> for Dijkstra’s algorithm. The exact solution is determined by using Dijkstra’s method with <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>N</mi> <mi>ρ</mi> </msub> <mo>=</mo> <mn>144</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <msub> <mi>N</mi> <mi>θ</mi> </msub> <mo>=</mo> <mn>64</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math>.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Canal space with convex and variable cross-sections.</p> "> Figure A1
<p><math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">X</mi> </semantics></math> can see the ending cross-section. By defining the cone surface <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <msub> <mi>C</mi> <mn>0</mn> </msub> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </semantics></math>, we can prove that <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="fraktur">Q</mi> </semantics></math> is coplanar with <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">X</mi> <mo>,</mo> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">I</mi> <mo>,</mo> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Y</mi> </mrow> </semantics></math>.</p> "> Figure A2
<p><math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">X</mi> </semantics></math> cannot see the ending cross-section. It can only see one point <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">Y</mi> </semantics></math> on the farthest visible cross-section <math display="inline"><semantics> <msub> <mi>S</mi> <mi>f</mi> </msub> </semantics></math>.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Related Works
1.2. Contributions
2. ESP in Tubular Space
2.1. Problem Description
2.2. Directed Graph
3. Basics of Dijkstra’s Algorithm
Algorithm 1: Dijkstra’s algorithm. |
4. The ESP Searching Algorithm Based on Visibility
4.1. Geometric Properties of the ESP in Tubular Space
- ). is the plane that contains and the tangent at of . If is not tangent to , we can always find in a circle with center and radius small enough so that the entire circle can be seen by (as there is no obstacle between and this circle). Then, there exist points outside (which is part of the circle) that can be seen by . This contradicts the definition of . Thus, is tangent to . Let be the tangent point that is closest to and be the tangent plane of at . If , will divide into two subsets. However, as the line of sight of a visible point in must pass through the cross-section of the tube at , only then can one subset of be observed by . This contradicts the definition of . Thus, . We can then define a closed surface enclosed by , the cross-section at , and part of which contains (see Figure 7 Left).
- ). is the plane that contains and the tangent at of S. Then, is the closed surface containing and enclosed by , , and the cross-section of the tube at (see Figure 7 Right).
- Partition 1 (P1): Includes points that can see the destination . The direction at any point in this partition is always towards .
- Partition 2 (P2): Includes points that can see the ending cross-section , but cannot see . The direction at any point in this partition is always towards a visible point in the ending cross-section such that the angle between and is the smallest one.
- Partition 3 (P3): Includes points that cannot see the ending cross-section . The direction of at any point in this partition is the positive direction corresponding to the longest length of sight.
4.2. The Proposed Algorithm
Algorithm 2: Proposed method. |
4.3. Oriented Drilling Process
5. Computational Results
5.1. Computation Time
5.2. Accuracy and Smoothness
6. Discussion
6.1. Extended Applications
6.2. A Reactive Method
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Appendix A.1. Proof of Lemma 2
Appendix A.2. Proof of Remark 1
- i.
- Case 1: P1( can see )
- ii.
- Case 2: P2( can see , but )
- iii.
- Case 3: P3( cannot see )
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, | ||
T.P = 0.76, T.D = 4.10 | ||
, | , | |
T.P = 0.96, T.D = 16.66 | T.P = 1.05, T.D = 15.77 | |
, | , | |
T.P = 1.63, T.D = 64.67 | T.P = 1.51, T.D = 60.19 | |
, | , | |
T.P = 3.03, T.D = 259.23 | T.P = 2.01, T.D = 219.82 |
1. Plane Parabolic Centerline | 2. Plane Elliptical Centerline | 3. Plane Hyperbolic Centerline |
L.P = 27.22, L.D = 27.29, L.E = 27.21 (cm) | L.P = 25.70, L.D = 25.74, L.E = 25.68 (cm) | L.P = 27.97, L.D = 28.10, L.E = 27.96 (cm) |
T.P = 0.68, T.D = 2.57 (s) | T.P = 1.02, T.D = 2.65 (s) | T.P = 0.73, T.D = 2.64 (s) |
4. Plane Sinusoidal Centerline | 5. Plane Evolvent of a Circle | 6. Wave-Shaped Torus on a Sphere |
L.P = 24.41, L.D = 24.53, L.E = 24.39 | L.P = 21.92, L.D = 21.94, L.E = 21.91 | L.P = 22.29, L.D = 25.12, L.E = 21.96 |
T.P = 1.36 (s), T.D = 2.66 | T.P = 1.16 (s), T.D = 2.57 | T.P = 1.26 (s), T.D = 2.74 |
7. Tubular Helical Surface | 8. Tubular Spiral Surface | 9. Complex Shape Tubular Surface |
L.P = 20.05, L.D = 20.31, L.E = 20.01 | L.P = 18.87, L.D = 19.02, L.E = 18.71 | L.P = 110.96, L.D = 111.22, L.E = 110.92 |
T.P = 1.00 (s), T.D = 2.74 | T.P = 1.17 (s), T.D = 2.88 | T.P = 5.90 (s), T.D = 11.29 |
RMSE | ||||||||||
Tube | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Avg. |
Dijkstra’s algorithm | 0.506% | 0.032% | 1.922% | 0.118% | 0.007% | 12.487% | 1.655% | 1.334% | 1.140% | 2.133% |
Proposed algorithm | 0.002% | 0.002% | 0.004% | 0.009% | 0.001% | 1.003% | 0.510% | 0.368% | 0.974% | 0.319% |
Maximum Error | ||||||||||
Tube | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Avg. |
Dijkstra’s algorithm | 4.343% | 0.628% | 11.812% | 1.136% | 0.226% | 28.121% | 8.556% | 11.942% | 12.017% | 8.753% |
Proposed algorithm | 0.012% | 0.016% | 0.026% | 0.105% | 0.015% | 4.774% | 2.077% | 2.039% | 3.782% | 1.427% |
Tube 6 | L.P (cm) | 22.28 | 22.35 | 22.29 | 22.27 | 22.32 | 22.37 | 22.44 | 22.26 |
L.D (cm) | 25.83 | 25.83 | 25.83 | 23.74 | 25.18 | 25.18 | 25.18 | 22.05 | |
(%) | 1.05 | 1.34 | 0.77 | 0.71 | 1.13 | 1.70 | 1.72 | 0.89 | |
(%) | 13.58 | 13.58 | 13.58 | 2.90 | 12.00 | 12.00 | 12.00 | 0.30 | |
T.P (s) | 0.45 | 0.78 | 1.18 | 1.82 | 0.86 | 1.70 | 2.73 | 17.01 | |
T.D (s) | 0.16 | 1.54 | 5.70 | 22.00 | 1.66 | 21.38 | 82.90 | 5582.00 | |
Tube 7 | L.P (cm) | 20.06 | 20.04 | 20.04 | 20.08 | 20.05 | 20.05 | 20.04 | 20.08 |
L.D (cm) | 20.82 | 20.82 | 20.82 | 20.82 | 20.32 | 20.32 | 20.32 | 20.09 | |
(%) | 0.62 | 0.14 | 0.30 | 0.73 | 0.55 | 0.17 | 0.20 | 0.59 | |
(%) | 2.92 | 2.92 | 2.92 | 2.92 | 1.61 | 1.61 | 1.61 | 0.06 | |
T.P (s) | 0.31 | 0.60 | 0.85 | 1.34 | 0.66 | 1.15 | 1.67 | 7.67 | |
T.D (s) | 0.15 | 1.52 | 5.58 | 21.82 | 1.63 | 21.89 | 84.34 | 5585.00 |
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Nguyen, D.-V.-A.; Szewczyk, J.; Rabenorosoa, K. An Effective Algorithm for Finding Shortest Paths in Tubular Spaces. Algorithms 2022, 15, 79.
Nguyen D-V-A, Szewczyk J, Rabenorosoa K. An Effective Algorithm for Finding Shortest Paths in Tubular Spaces. Algorithms. 2022; 15(3):79.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNguyen, Dang-Viet-Anh, Jérôme Szewczyk, and Kanty Rabenorosoa. 2022. "An Effective Algorithm for Finding Shortest Paths in Tubular Spaces" Algorithms 15, no. 3: 79.
APA StyleNguyen, D. -V. -A., Szewczyk, J., & Rabenorosoa, K. (2022). An Effective Algorithm for Finding Shortest Paths in Tubular Spaces. Algorithms, 15(3), 79.