Global 10 m Land Use Land Cover Datasets: A Comparison of Dynamic World, World Cover and Esri Land Cover
<p>Flowchart of the methods followed in the cross-comparison and accuracy assessment of global 10 m LULC maps.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Maps of global 10 m resolution land cover maps, including Dynamic World (<b>A</b>), World Cover (<b>B</b>) and Esri Land Cover (<b>C</b>). Inset maps show a zoomed extent of a landscape in South Africa and Brazil, indicated with black dots on the world maps to illustrate the spatial grain of the maps at a local scale. White areas in the Arctic and Antarctic in (<b>A</b>,<b>B</b>), although partly mapped in (<b>C</b>), were not included in the analysis.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Distribution of the global (<b>A</b>) and regional (<b>B</b>) reference data locations. Locations in (<b>A</b>) represent Sentinel-2 image tiles of 510 × 510 pixels, which were manually annotated ex situ. Locations in (<b>B</b>) are grid points sampled in situ in the LUCAS area survey. Inset bar plot shows the number of reference samples per LULC class.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Spatial correspondence between global 10 m land cover maps for each of 9 land cover classes. The proportion of land cover within each hexagonal grid cell is calculated for each LULC product and then visualized along a tri-color gradient illustrating the proportional share of areas estimated by each LULC product. Gray areas indicate strong correspondence, whereas colored areas reflect dominance of one LULC product. Gric cells outlined in black indicate strong correspondence, defined as cases where no single LULC product has more than 40% share of the combined area within the grid cell. The opacity of the grid cells indicates the absolute percentage abundance of each LULC class averaged over the three LULC classes. Opaque areas have near-maximum percentage cover for that LULC class, whereas transparent areas have very low percentage cover.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Accuracy of global 10 m land cover maps across LULC classes, biomes and human settlement type based on hand-annotated image tiles with minimum mapping unit of 50 × 50 m. Accuracy is expressed as precision/user’s, recall/producer’s and overall accuracy based on a confusion matrix, with sample sizes indicated in millions (MM) in parentheses on the <span class="html-italic">y</span>-axis.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Accuracy of global 10 m land cover maps across LULC classes and continents based on hand-annotated image tiles with MMU unit of 50 × 50 m. Circles show users, producers and overall accuracy. Accuracy is expressed as precision/user’s, recall/producer’s and overall accuracy based on a confusion matrix, with sample sizes indicated in millions (MM) in parentheses on the <span class="html-italic">y</span>-axis.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Accuracy of global 10 m land cover maps over Europe using point-based ground truth data from the LUCAS survey. Accuracy is stratified by LULC class, ecoregion and human settlement type. Accuracy is expressed as precision/user’s, recall/producer’s and overall accuracy based on a confusion matrix, with sample sizes indicated in thousands (K) in parentheses on the <span class="html-italic">y</span>-axis.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Example of the flexibility inherent in the Dynamic World data format, which includes multi-temporal class probability estimates. An urban landscape in Prague, Czechia (<b>A</b>) along with an annual mode composite from Dynamic World (<b>B</b>). Dynamic World class probabilities for the tree class are rescaled to highlight intra-urban tree cover (<b>C</b>). The predictions from a random forest model trained on LUCAS reference data and Dynamic World class probabilities are shown in (<b>D</b>), illustrating the possibility of resolving smaller landscape elements.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Land Cover Data Processing
2.2. Spatial Correspondence Assessment
2.3. Accuracy Assessment
2.4. Implementation Details
3. Results
3.1. Spatial Correspondence
3.2. Accuracy
4. Discussion
4.1. Explaining the Differences between Global LULC Products
4.1.1. Minimum Mapping Unit
4.1.2. Classification Typology
4.1.3. Modeling and Validation Methods
4.2. Recommendations for Users
- Regardless of LULC product, users should implement design-based inference when calculating LULC areas or changes and avoid drawing conclusions from simple ‘pixel-counting’, which leads to biased area estimates [35]. Design-based inference involves generating a post-classification reference (validation or “ground truth”) sample that is implemented with a probability sampling design (e.g., simple random or stratified random), which can be used to quantify unbiased area and accuracy estimates.
- In general, users can rely on water, built area, trees and crops being mapped with the highest accuracy, while shrub and scrub, grass, bare ground and flooded vegetation have the lowest accuracies. With this in mind, it may be beneficial to simplify the LULC typology by merging classes with low accuracies into aggregate classes if your use-case allows it.
- Users should be aware of the biases in global LULC products (reported relative to one another). Specifically, WC is biased toward estimating greater grass cover, Esri towards shrub and scrub cover and DW towards snow and ice.
- WC is most appropriate when considering an MMU of <100 m2 or when a user wants to resolve smaller landscape elements. For example, WC is advantageous in urban areas and complex agricultural landscapes with small or thin vegetation structures, such as trees or hedge rows.
- Based on our supplementary analysis of the DW compositing method (Figure S1), we find that the type of temporal aggregation of DW predictions has very little effect on global and regional accuracy. However, we note that changing the seasonal extent of temporal aggregation (e.g., growing-season composite) may have significant effects on accuracy (although we did not test this here).
- The delivery format of DW in near real-time, covering the entire Sentinel-2 image collection and including LULC class-specific probability scores, is qualitatively unique from Esri and WC, which only produce annual LULC maps without probability scores. We encourage users to take advantage of this unique aspect to DW by exploring novel possibilities discussed in the section below.
4.3. Potential for Future Research
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dynamic World | Esri LULC | World Cover |
Built Area | Built Area | Built-up |
Clusters of human-made structures or individual very large human-made structures. Contained industrial, commercial and private building and the associated parking lots. A mixture of residential buildings, streets, lawns, trees, isolated residential structures or buildings surrounded by vegetative land cover. Major road and rail networks outside of the predominant residential areas. Large homogeneous impervious surfaces, including parking structures, large office buildings and residential housing developments containing clusters of cul-de-sacs. | Human-made structures; major road and rail networks; large homogenous impervious surfaces, including parking structures, office buildings and residential housing; examples: houses, dense villages/towns/cities, paved roads, asphalt. | Land covered by buildings, roads and other man-made structures, such as railroads. Buildings include both residential and industrial buildings. Urban green (parks, sport facilities) is not included in this class. Waste dump deposits and extraction sites are considered as bare. |
Crops | Crops | Cropland |
Human planted/plotted cereals, grasses and crops. | Human planted/plotted cereals, grasses and crops not at tree height; examples: corn, wheat, soy, fallow plots of structured land. | Land covered with annual cropland that is sowed/planted and harvestable at least once within the 12 months after the sowing/planting date. The annual cropland produces a herbaceous cover and is sometimes combined with some tree or woody vegetation. Note that perennial woody crops will be classified as the appropriate tree cover or shrub land cover type. Greenhouses are considered as built-up. |
Bare ground | Bare ground | Barren/sparse vegetation |
Areas of rock or soil containing very sparse to no vegetation. Large areas of sand and deserts with no to little vegetation. Large individual or dense networks of dirt roads. | Areas of rock or soil with very sparse to no vegetation for the entire year; large areas of sand and deserts with no to little vegetation; examples: exposed rock or soil, desert and sand dunes, dry salt flats/pans, dried lake beds, mines. | Lands with exposed soil, sand or rocks and never has more than 10 % vegetated cover during any time of the year. |
Moss and Lichen | ||
Land covered with lichens and/or mosses. Lichens are composite organisms formed from the symbiotic association of fungi and algae. Mosses contain photo-autotrophic land plants without true leaves, stems, roots but with leaf- and stemlike organs. | ||
Grass | Grass | Grassland |
Open areas covered in homogenous grasses with little to no taller vegetation. Other homogenous areas of grass-like vegetation (blade-type leaves) that appear different from trees and shrubland. Wild cereals and grasses with no obvious human plotting (i.e., not a structured field). | Open areas covered in homogenous grasses with little to no taller vegetation; wild cereals and grasses with no obvious human plotting (i.e., not a plotted field); examples: natural meadows and fields with sparse to no tree cover, open savanna with few to no trees, parks/golf courses/lawns, pastures. | This class includes any geographic area dominated by natural herbaceous plants (plants without persistent stem or shoots above ground and lacking definite firm structure): (grasslands, prairies, steppes, savannahs, pastures) with a cover of 10% or more, irrespective of different human and/or animal activities, such as: grazing, selective fire management, etc. Woody plants (trees and/or shrubs) can be present assuming their cover is less than 10%. It may also contain uncultivated cropland areas (without harvest/bare soil period) in the reference year. |
Shrub and scrub | Shrub and scrub | Shrubland |
Mix of small clusters of plants or individual plants dispersed on a landscape that shows exposed soil and rock. Scrub-filled clearings within dense forests that are clearly not taller than trees. Appear grayer/browner due to less dense leaf cover. | Mix of small clusters of plants or single plants dispersed on a landscape that shows exposed soil or rock; scrub-filled clearings within dense forests that are clearly not taller than trees; examples: moderate to sparse cover of bushes, shrubs and tufts of grass, savannas with very sparse grasses, trees or other plants. | This class includes any geographic area dominated by natural shrubs having a cover of 10% or more. Shrubs are defined as woody perennial plants with persistent and woody stems and without any defined main stem being less than 5 m tall. Trees can be present in scattered form if their cover is less than 10%. Herbaceous plants can also be present at any density. The shrub foliage can be either evergreen or deciduous. |
Trees | Trees | Trees |
Any significant clustering of dense vegetation, typically with a closed or dense canopy. Taller and darker than surrounding vegetation (if surrounded by other vegetation). | Any significant clustering of tall (~15 feet or higher) dense vegetation, typically with a closed or dense canopy; examples: wooded vegetation, clusters of dense tall vegetation within savannas, plantations, swamp or mangroves (dense/tall vegetation with ephemeral water or canopy too thick to detect water underneath). | This class includes any geographic area dominated by trees with a cover of 10% or more. Other land cover classes (shrubs and/or herbs in the understorey, built-up, permanent water bodies…) can be present below the canopy, even with a density higher than trees. Areas planted with trees for afforestation purposes and plantations (e.g., oil palm, olive trees) are included in this class. This class also includes tree-covered areas seasonally or permanently flooded with fresh water except for mangroves. |
Flooded vegetation | Flooded vegetation | Herbaceous wetland |
Areas of any type of vegetation with obvious intermixing of water. Do not assume an area is flooded if flooding is observed in another image. Seasonally flooded areas that are a mix of grass/shrub/trees/bare ground. | Areas of any type of vegetation with obvious intermixing of water throughout a majority of the year; seasonally flooded area that is a mix of grass/shrub/trees/bare ground; examples: flooded mangroves, emergent vegetation, rice paddies and other heavily irrigated and inundated agriculture. | Land dominated by natural herbaceous vegetation (cover of 10% or more) that is permanently or regularly flooded by fresh, brackish or salt water. It excludes unvegetated sediment (see 60), swamp forests (classified as tree cover) and mangroves see 95). |
Mangroves | ||
Taxonomically diverse, salt-tolerant tree and other plant species, which thrive in intertidal zones of sheltered tropical shores, “overwash” islands and estuaries. | ||
Water | Water | Open water |
Water is present in the image. Contains little to no sparse vegetation, no rock outcrop and no built-up features, such as docks. Does not include land that can or has previously been covered by water. | Areas where water was predominantly present throughout the year; may not cover areas with sporadic or ephemeral water; contains little to no sparse vegetation, no rock outcrop nor built up features, such as docks; examples: rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans, flooded salt plains. | This class includes any geographic area covered for most of the year (more than 9 months) by water bodies: lakes, reservoirs and rivers. Can be either fresh- or salt-water bodies. In some cases, the water can be frozen for part of the year (less than 9 months). |
Snow and ice | Snow and ice | Snow and ice |
Large homogenous areas of thick snow or ice, typically only in mountain areas or highest latitudes. Large homogenous areas of snowfall. | Large homogenous areas of permanent snow or ice, typically only in mountain areas or highest latitudes; examples: glaciers, permanent snowpack, snow fields. | This class includes any geographic area covered by snow or glaciers persistently. |
LULC Class | LUCAS Classes Used and Descriptions |
Built area | Artificial land (A00): Areas characterized by an artificial and often impervious cover of constructions and pavement. Includes roofed built-up areas and non-built-up area features, such as parking lots and yards. Excludes non-built-up linear features, such as roads, and other artificial areas, such as bridges and viaducts, mobile homes, solar panels, power plants, electrical substations, pipelines, water sewage plants and open dump sites. |
Cropland | Cropland (B00): Areas where seasonal or perennial crops are planted and cultivated, including cereals, root crops, non-permanent industrial crops, dry pulses, vegetables, flowers, fodder crops, fruit trees and other permanent crops. Excludes temporary grasslands, which are artificial pastures that may only be planted for one year. |
Bare ground | Bare land and lichens/moss (F00): Areas with no dominant vegetation cover on at least 90% of the area or areas covered by lichens/moss. Excludes other bare soil, which includes bare arable land, temporarily unstocked areas within forests, burnt areas, secondary land cover for tracks and parking areas/yards. |
Grass | Grassland (E00): Land predominantly covered by communities of grassland, grass-like plants and forbs. This class includes permanent grassland and permanent pasture that is not part of a crop rotation (normally for 5 years or more). It may include sparsely occurring trees within a limit of a canopy below 10% and shrubs within a total limit of cover (including trees) of 20%. May include: dry grasslands, dry edaphic meadows, steppes with gramineae and artemisia, plain and mountainous grassland, wet grasslands, alpine and subalpine grasslands, saline grasslands, arctic meadows, set aside land within agricultural areas (including unused land where revegetation is occurring) and clear cuts within previously existing forests. Excludes spontaneously re-vegetated surfaces consisting of agricultural land that has not been cultivated this year or the years before, clear-cut forest areas, industrial “brownfields” and storage land. |
Shrub and scrub | Shrubland (D00): Areas dominated (at least 10% of the surface) by shrubs and low woody plants normally not able to reach >5 m of height. It may include sparsely occurring trees with a canopy below 10%. Excludes berries, vineyards and orchards. |
Trees | Woodland (C00): Areas with a tree canopy cover of at least 10%, including woody hedges and palm trees. Includes a range of coniferous and deciduous forest types. Excludes forest tree nurseries, young plantations or natural stands (<10% canopy cover) dominated by shrubs or grass. |
Flooded vegetation | Wetlands (H00): Wetlands located inland and having fresh water and wetlands located on marine coasts or having salty or brackish water as well as areas of a marine origin. |
Water | Water areas (G10 to G40): Inland or coastal areas without vegetation and covered by water and flooded surfaces, or likely to be so over a large part of the year. |
Snow and ice | Glaciers, permanent snow (G50): Areas covered by glaciers (generally measured at the time of their greatest expansion in the season) or permanent snow. |
Accuracy | Dynamic World | Esri | World Cover |
Global validation | 72% | 75% | 65% |
Regional validation (European) | 66% | 63% | 71% |
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Venter, Z.S.; Barton, D.N.; Chakraborty, T.; Simensen, T.; Singh, G. Global 10 m Land Use Land Cover Datasets: A Comparison of Dynamic World, World Cover and Esri Land Cover. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 4101.
Venter ZS, Barton DN, Chakraborty T, Simensen T, Singh G. Global 10 m Land Use Land Cover Datasets: A Comparison of Dynamic World, World Cover and Esri Land Cover. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(16):4101.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVenter, Zander S., David N. Barton, Tirthankar Chakraborty, Trond Simensen, and Geethen Singh. 2022. "Global 10 m Land Use Land Cover Datasets: A Comparison of Dynamic World, World Cover and Esri Land Cover" Remote Sensing 14, no. 16: 4101.
APA StyleVenter, Z. S., Barton, D. N., Chakraborty, T., Simensen, T., & Singh, G. (2022). Global 10 m Land Use Land Cover Datasets: A Comparison of Dynamic World, World Cover and Esri Land Cover. Remote Sensing, 14(16), 4101.