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Here, we report first results on the development of computational health information technology for monitoring chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) risks in Russia based on data of the large-scale ongoing population survey in Health Centers (HCs). The technology involve algorithms for automated raw data process and generation of joint database, tools for data standardization and visualization, the assessment of risks, and other components. The data on physical status of Russians, including height, weight, and BMI are provided and compared with Belgian (1835), Swiss (2002), and US (1988–1994) reference datasets. The age-standardized prevalence of obesity in 5–85 years-old Russians according to the conventional WHO criteria was found to be high (18.9% in males and 26.7% in females) and varied significantly across federal subjects of Russia thus suggesting an importance of the Russian NCDs risks monitoring system for planning and evaluation of the effectiveness of preventive and therapeutic measures.
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