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In the year 2000, the Internet became a major source of health information for the health professional and the Netizen. The objective of Doc'CISMeF (D'C) was to create a powerful generic search tool based on an structured information model which ‘encapsulates’ the MeSH thesaurus to index and retrieve quality health resources on the Internet. To index resources, D'C uses four sections in its information model: ‘meta-term’, keyword, subheading, and resource type. Two search options are available: simple and advanced. The simple search requires the enduser to input a single term or expression. If this term belongs to the D'C information structure model, it will be exploded. If not, a full-text search is performed. In the advanced search, complex searches are possible combining Boolean operators with meta-terms, keywords, subheadings and resource types. D’C uses two standard tools for organising information: the MeSH thesaurus and the Dublin Core metadata format. Resources included in D’C are described according to the following elements: title, author or creator, subject and keywords, description, publisher, date, resource type, format, identifier, and language.
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