長久以來地圖學的研究方向,與科技的進步和社會的需求有密切的關係,而當代期刊論文的發表,在任何學術領域中均扮演重要的角色。因此本文試圖利用1990-2002年台灣地區期刊的地圖論文,以國內外地圖學發展的分類為基礎,由網路期刊的查詢系統中,抽取出版刊名、年代和地圖分類等變數,採用敘述統計將各變數加總,分析這三項變數之間的相關性,來了解當前台灣地區地圖學的研究趨勢。 經分析發現目前台灣地區的地圖論文有逐年增加的趨勢,但發表和出版的狀況並不穩定,主要受「地圖」期刊篇數的影響,以1997年為最高峰,其中屬於「地圖」期刊者就佔了半數。就地圖類別發展趨勢來看,傳統地圖每年發表的篇數最為穩定,電腦地圖和GIS地圖有增加的現象。以發表的地圖類別統計各期刊的屬性,地圖期刊以傳統地圖和電腦地圖為主,其次是GIS地圖和地圖教育等,但比較沒有古地圖方面的相關論文,而古地圖的論文雖然也有逐年增加的趨勢,但主要發表在與歷史文化相關的期刊中。
Cartographic researches have always been closely related to the advancement of computer technology and social need. Since published journal articles are good indicators of contemporary research interests, this paper aims to analyze cartography-related papers published in Taiwan's academic journals between 1990 and 2002. The analysis is based on the traditional cartographic classification scheme, and articles are retrieved through internet keyword search, journal name, publication time and type of cartography for each article are recorded, and statistics analysis are conducted to deduce development of cartography in Taiwan. Generally speaking, cartography related paper increases over the years, but with some fluctuation, mainly influenced by the publication of the Journal of Cartography. The number of cartography-related paper published in 1997 reached its maximum, among half of them were included in the Journal of Cartography. In terms of cartography classification, the number of papers on traditional mapping has been steady, while those on computer mapping and GIS mapping are increasing. In terms of journal content, traditional mapping and GIS mapping dominate cartographic journals, followed by GIS mapping and cartographic education, and only very few concerning historical mapping. Articles concerning historical mapping also show an increasing trend, but they are mainly published in history or culture-related journals.