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View all- Ben Salamah FPalomino MCraven MPapadaki MFurnell S(2023)An Adaptive Cybersecurity Training Framework for the Education of Social Media Users at WorkApplied Sciences10.3390/app1317959513:17(9595)Online publication date: 24-Aug-2023
Cybersecurity is critical to the national infrastructure, federal and local government, military, industry, and personal privacy. To defend the U.S. against the cyber threats, a significant demand for skilled cybersecurity workforce is predicted in ...
There is a growing need for cybersecurity professionals with the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) necessary for risk and vulnerability analysis. Cybersecurity curricula should emphasize KSAs most important in cyber work. To determine which KSAs ...
This poster presents our NSF collaborative project "Enhancing Cybersecurity Education Using POGIL". Although the POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) instructional approach has been used and evaluated in science and engineering disciplines, ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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