Cited By
View all- Au HChen JJiang JGuo Y(2024)ReChoreoNet: Repertoire-based Dance Re-choreography with Music-conditioned Temporal and Style CluesMachine Intelligence Research10.1007/s11633-023-1478-921:4(771-781)Online publication date: 29-May-2024
Neural fields such as implicit surfaces have recently enabled avatar modeling from raw scans without explicit temporal correspondences. In this work, we exploit autoregressive modeling to further extend this notion to capture dynamic effects, such ...
High-quality large-scale scene rendering requires a scalable representation and accurate camera poses. This research combines tile-based hybrid neural fields with parallel distributive optimization to improve bundle-adjusting neural radiance fields. The ...
We propose Neural Deformable Fields (NDF), a new representation for dynamic human digitization from a multi-view video. Recent works proposed to represent a dynamic human body with shared canonical neural radiance fields which links to the ...
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