Name-Nationality Classification Technology under Keras Deep Learning
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- Name-Nationality Classification Technology under Keras Deep Learning
Nationality Classification Using Name Embeddings
CIKM '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge ManagementNationality identification unlocks important demographic information, with many applications in biomedical and sociological research. Existing name-based nationality classifiers use name substrings as features and are trained on small, unrepresentative ...
Image Classification via fusing the latent deep CNN feature
ICIMCS'16: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and ServiceIn recent years, the convolutional neural network (CNN) has made great achievements in image classification. It can extract features of image and classify them from a large number of image data automatically. Compared with these traditional feature ...
Deep CNN for Classification of Image Contents
IPMV '21: Proceedings of the 2021 3rd International Conference on Image Processing and Machine VisionIn recent years the classification of images has made great progress and has been used in many fields. However, it may not be possible to classify images perfectly through the CNN because of overfitting and gradient vanishing. Most existing CNNs have ...
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Association for Computing Machinery
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