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View all- Sandholm TMukherjee S(2023)Smart Contracts for Mobile Network Operator Bandwidth SharingDistributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice10.1145/36301682:4(1-8)Online publication date: 14-Dec-2023
Global urbanization has vastly enhanced the quality of people’s lives in various domains. Nevertheless, the global rise in urban dwellers is often accompanied by additional difficulties and challenges such as traffic jams, air pollution, ...
Thanks to its decentralized structure and immutability, blockchain technology has the potential to address relevant security and privacy challenges in the Internet of Things (IoT). In particular, by hosting and executing smart contracts, blockchain ...
Public procurement represents an important part of the countries’ budgets. It is impossible to effectively solve the problem of public expenditure without establishing a rational and transparent public procurement management system. These markets ...
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