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Engineering meta-languages for specifying software languages (keynote)
The programming and modelling languages currently used in software engineering generally have plenty of tool support. But although their syntax is specified using formal grammars or meta-models, complete formal semantic specifications are seldom ...
Type-safe modular parsing
Over the years a lot of effort has been put on solving extensibility problems, while retaining important software engineering properties such as modular type-safety and separate compilation. Most previous work focused on operations that traverse and ...
Incremental packrat parsing
Packrat parsing is a popular technique for implementing top-down, unlimited-lookahead parsers that operate in guaranteed linear time. In this paper, we describe a method for turning a standard packrat parser into an incremental parser through a simple ...
A symbol-based extension of parsing expression grammars and context-sensitive packrat parsing
Parsing expression grammars (PEGs) are a powerful and popular foundation for describing syntax. Despite PEGs' expressiveness, they cannot recognize many syntax patterns of popular programming languages. Typical examples include typedef-defined names in ...
Red Shift: procedural shift-reduce parsing (vision paper)
Red Shift is a new design pattern for implementing parsers. The pattern draws ideas from traditional shift-reduce parsing as well as procedural PEG parsers. Red Shift parsers behaves like shift-reduce parsers, but eliminate ambiguity by always ...
Towards a taxonomy of grammar smells
Any grammar engineer can tell a good grammar from a bad one, but there is no commonly accepted taxonomy of indicators of required grammar refactorings. One of the consequences of this lack of general smell taxonomy is the scarcity of tools to assess ...
Deep priority conflicts in the wild: a pilot study
Context-free grammars are suitable for formalizing the syntax of programming languages concisely and declaratively. Thus, such grammars are often found in reference manuals of programming languages, and used in language workbenches for language ...
Virtual textual model composition for supporting versioning and aspect-orientation
The maintenance of modern systems often requires developers to perform complex and error-prone cognitive tasks, which are caused by the obscurity, redundancy, and irrelevancy of code, distracting from essential maintenance tasks. Typical maintenance ...
Robust projectional editing
While contemporary projectional editors make sure that the edited programs conform to the programming language's metamodel, they do not enforce that they are also well-formed, that is, that they obey the well-formedness rules defined for the language. ...
Debugging with domain-specific events via macros
Extensible languages enable the convenient construction of many kinds of domain-specific languages (DSLs) by mapping domain-specific surface syntax into the host language's core forms in a layered and composable way. The host language's debugger, ...
A chrestomathy of DSL implementations
Selecting and properly using approaches for DSL implementation can be challenging, given their variety and complexity. To support developers, we present the software chrestomathy MetaLib, a well-organized and well-documented collection of DSL ...
A requirements engineering approach for usability-driven DSL development
There is currently a lack of Requirements Engineering (RE) approaches applied to, or supporting, the development of a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) taking into account the environment in which it is to be used. We present a model-based RE approach to ...
Better call the crowd: using crowdsourcing to shape the notation of domain-specific languages
Crowdsourcing has emerged as a novel paradigm where humans are employed to perform computational tasks. In the context of Domain-Specific Modeling Language (DSML) development, where the involvement of end-users is crucial to assure that the resulting ...
A formalisation of parameterised reference attribute grammars
The similarities and differences between attribute grammar systems are obscured by their implementations. A formalism that captures the essence of such systems would allow for equivalence, correctness, and other analyses to be formally framed and ...
Concurrent circular reference attribute grammars
Reference Attribute Grammars (RAGs) is a declarative executable formalism used for constructing compilers and related tools. Existing implementations support concurrent evaluation only with global evaluation locks. This may lead to long latencies in ...
Ensuring non-interference of composable language extensions
Extensible language frameworks aim to allow independently-developed language extensions to be easily added to a host programming language. It should not require being a compiler expert, and the resulting compiler should "just work" as expected. ...
A domain-specific controlled English language for automated regulatory compliance (industrial paper)
Modern enterprises operate in an unprecedented regulatory environment where increasing regulation and heavy penalties on non-compliance have placed regulatory compliance among the topmost concerns of enterprises worldwide. Previous research in the ...
Concrete syntax: a multi-paradigm modelling approach
Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (DSLs) allow domain experts to create models using abstractions they are most familiar with. A DSL's syntax is specified in two parts: the abstract syntax defines the language's concepts and their allowed ...
Structural model subtyping with OCL constraints
In model-driven engineering (MDE), models abstract the relevant features of software artefacts and model management operations, including model transformations, act on them automating large tasks of the development process. Flexible reuse of such ...
Comparison of the expressiveness and performance of template-based code generation tools
A critical step in model-driven engineering (MDE) is the automatic synthesis of a textual artifact from models. This is a very useful model transformation to generate application code, to serialize the model in persistent storage, generate ...
A development environment for the Alf language within the MagicDraw UML tool (tool demo)
Alf is an action language designed as a textual notation for specifying detailed behaviors within an executable UML model. The Alf implementation in MagicDraw, a leading commercial tool for modeling using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) from No ...
FlowSpec: declarative dataflow analysis specification
We present FlowSpec, a declarative specification language for the domain of dataflow analysis. FlowSpec has declarative support for the specification of control flow graphs of programming languages, and dataflow analyses on these control flow graphs. ...
Metacasanova: an optimized meta-compiler for domain-specific languages
Domain-Specific Languages (DSL's) offer language-level abstractions that General-Purpose Languages do not offer, thus speeding up the implementation of the solution of problems within a specific domain. Developers have the choice of developing a DSL by ...
Robust programs with filtered iterators
We present a new language construct, filtered iterators, for robust input processing. Filtered iterators are designed to eliminate many common input processing errors while enabling robust continued execution. The design is inspired by (1) observed ...
Energy efficiency across programming languages: how do energy, time, and memory relate?
This paper presents a study of the runtime, memory usage and energy consumption of twenty seven well-known software languages. We monitor the performance of such languages using ten different programming problems, expressed in each of the languages. ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering