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The Zebra striped network file system

Published: 01 August 1995 Publication History


Zebra is a network file system that increases throughput by striping the file data across multiple servers. Rather than striping each file separately, Zebra forms all the new data from each client into a single stream, which it then stripes using an approach similar to a log-structured file system. This provides high performance for writes of small files as well as for reads and writes of large files. Zebra also writes parity information in each stripe in the style of RAID disk arrays; this increases storage costs slightly, but allows the system to continue operation while a single storage server is unavailable. A prototype implementation of Zebra, built in the Sprite operating system, provides 4–5 times the throughput of the standard Sprite file system or NFS for large files and a 15–300% improvement for writing small files.


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David Michael Bowen

Sometimes computer science moves forward in leaps as new ideas change the discipline. Other times it moves ahead in smaller steps, as ideas that have worked in one area are applied to others. The Zebra striped network file system is the result of one of these smaller steps. It takes two recent ideas—striped file systems, the basis for RAID technology, and log-based file systems—and combines them into a new approach for a network file system that promises to reduce many of the bottlenecks found in present technology. Disk striping has two disadvantages in its usual implementation. As the degree of striping increases, the size of its most efficient data transfer gets larger than the average file size, and the transfer rate of the striped disks exceeds the bandwidth of the server. Zebra avoids the second problem by splitting the stripe group over multiple servers, maintaining the practice of keeping an extra disk with parity information. It avoids the first problem by having each client gather all of the changes into a single log kept in memory and then writing the log to disk in the large transfers a striped system finds most efficient. The penalty for this log-based approach is the need to clean the log file as items in the stripes become outdated. This paper provides the details of each component in the system: clients, servers, the file manager, and the stripe cleaner. It also provides performance comparisons with the Berkeley Sprite file system and a standard NFS system running on the same hardware, and gives some ideas for further improvement. I find the ideas presented here and in Anderson et al. [1], the next step in this line of development, interesting, and I suspect that they may represent the future in distributed file systems. If you are interested in new developments and general trends in file systems, this paper is must reading.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 13, Issue 3
Aug. 1995
106 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 August 1995
Published in TOCS Volume 13, Issue 3


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  1. RAID
  2. log-based striping
  3. log-structured file system
  4. parity computation


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