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Distributed databases and peer-to-peer databases: past and present

Published: 01 March 2008 Publication History


The need for large-scale data sharing between autonomous and possibly heterogeneous decentralized systems on the Web gave rise to the concept of P2P database systems. Decentralized databases are, however, not new. Whereas a definition for a P2P database system can be readily provided, a comparison with the more established decentralized models, commonly referred to as distributed, federated and multi-databases, is more likely to provide a better insight to this new P2P data management technology. Thus, in the paper, by distinguishing between db-centric and P2P-centric features, we examine features common to these database systems as well as other ad-hoc features that solely characterize P2P databases. We also provide a non-exhaustive taxonomy of the most prominent research efforts toward the realization of full-fledged P2P databases.


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cover image ACM SIGMOD Record
ACM SIGMOD Record  Volume 37, Issue 1
March 2008
61 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 March 2008
Published in SIGMOD Volume 37, Issue 1

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