Loess Plateau provides a broad growing environment for crops. However, due to the loose soil, soil erosion is serious. Gully Consolidation and Highland Protection is the key work in the construction of ecological civilization in Loess Plateau. Using the method of simulating the Gully Consolidation and Highland Protection, the terrain conditions are changed, and the hydrological model is used to simulate the change of erosion before and after ditch head landfill. In this paper, Yangjiagou, was chosen as the research area. The spatial analysis function of ArcGIS was used to process DEM, and GeoWEPP model was used to simulate soil erosion, the variation of runoff and sediment yield in gully head landfill before and after landfill was analyzed. Results show that gully head landfill has effective on soil erosion control and provides an effective verification method for the feasibility of soil erosion control scheme in the Loess Plateau.
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