Voice assistants usually respond to voice commands and provide the user with specific details about his question. Currently, voice assistants can process product orders, answer questions, perform tasks such as playing music, or initiate a quick phone call with a friend. For voice assistants, the long-term goal is to serve as a smart bridge between humans and the immense information and capabilities delivered by the Internet. Taking away the need to use some gadget or screen to communicate in various locations with the internet, technology or other humans. This paper deals with such a voice assistance for schedule maintenance for individual which starts with the face recognition. Once a person enters the classroom / office, their face is captured and the face identification is done. If the identified person is the authorised one, then the system responds with a greeting message. When the person starts to ask about the schedule to the system, it responds with the schedule of the day of that identified person. In case of emergency schedules like meetings, the intimation is sent to the user as a message to alert him/her.
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This article (and all articles in the proceedings volume relating to the same conference) has been retracted by IOP Publishing following an extensive investigation in line with the COPE guidelines. This investigation has uncovered evidence of systematic manipulation of the publication process and considerable citation manipulation.
IOP Publishing respectfully requests that readers consider all work within this volume potentially unreliable, as the volume has not been through a credible peer review process.
IOP Publishing regrets that our usual quality checks did not identify these issues before publication, and have since put additional measures in place to try to prevent these issues from reoccurring. IOP Publishing wishes to credit anonymous whistleblowers and the Problematic Paper Screener [1] for bringing some of the above issues to our attention, prompting us to investigate further.
[1] Cabanac G, Labbé C and Magazinov A 2021 arXiv:2107.06751v1
Retraction published: 23 February 2022