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Issue 45, 2013

Fluorescent azobenzenes and aromatic aldimines featuring an N–B interaction


Azobenzenes are constituents of the commonly and widely used azo dyes. Many dyes, except for the azo dyes, have been utilized for fluorescent materials. However, there are only a few fluorescent azobenzene derivatives and their fluorescence efficiencies are quite low. The current perspective provides an account of the fluorescent azobenzenes and aromatic aldimines featuring an N–B interaction. Incorporation of the intramolecular N–B interaction by using the bis(pentafluorophenyl)boryl group makes the azobenzenes and aromatic aldimines fluorescent with a range of colours. Some of them fluoresce with extraordinarily high fluorescence quantum yields. Their synthesis, structures, fluorescence properties, and applications are discussed.

Graphical abstract: Fluorescent azobenzenes and aromatic aldimines featuring an N–B interaction

Article information

Article type
25 Jun 2013
16 Aug 2013
First published
06 Sep 2013
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2013,42, 15826-15834

Fluorescent azobenzenes and aromatic aldimines featuring an N–B interaction

J. Yoshino, N. Kano and T. Kawashima, Dalton Trans., 2013, 42, 15826 DOI: 10.1039/C3DT51689J

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