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Issue 9, 2005

Mupirocin W, a novel pseudomonic acid produced by targeted mutation of the mupirocin biosynthetic gene cluster


Mutation of the mupW gene in the mupirocin biosynthetic gene cluster in Pseudomonas fluorescens results in efficient production of a novel pseudomonic acid metabolite, mupirocin W, which lacks the characteristic tetrahydropyran ring, and reveals the role of the mupW gene in pseudomonic acid biosynthesis.

Graphical abstract: Mupirocin W, a novel pseudomonic acid produced by targeted mutation of the mupirocin biosynthetic gene cluster

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Article information

Article type
23 Sep 2004
24 Nov 2004
First published
17 Jan 2005

Chem. Commun., 2005, 1179-1181

Mupirocin W, a novel pseudomonic acid produced by targeted mutation of the mupirocin biosynthetic gene cluster

S. M. Cooper, R. J. Cox, J. Crosby, M. P. Crump, J. Hothersall, W. Laosripaiboon, T. J. Simpson and C. M. Thomas, Chem. Commun., 2005, 1179 DOI: 10.1039/B414781B

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