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biologia plantarum

International journal on Plant Life established by Bohumil Němec in 1959

Biologia plantarum 43:283-286, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002720714781

In vitro Growth and Leaf Composition of Grapevine Cultivars as Affected by Sodium Chloride

S.K. Singh1, H.C. Sharma1, A.M. Goswami1, S.P. Datta2, S.P. Singh1
1 Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi -, India
2 Division of Soil Science, I.A.R.I., New Delhi -, India

In vitro proliferated shoot culture of six grape genotypes (Vitis vinifera L.) were screened for tolerance to NaCl (0 to 200 mM). The cv. Perlette was found to tolerate 175 mM NaCl followed by cvs. Pusa Seedless and Beauty Seedless 150 mM NaCl. Na, K, Cl, Ca and Mg content increased upto 100 mM NaCl in most of the genotypes. Total sugar and proline content of stem tissue gradually increased under NaCl stress while leaf chlorophyll a+b content declined. Studies suggest that the in vitro screening procedure can be used for ranking the grape genotypes for salinity tolerance.

Keywords: chlorophyll; minerals; proline; salinity tolerance; sugar content; Vitis vinifera
Subjects: chlorophyll, NaCl stress; grapevine, chlorophyll, NaCl stress; in vitro culture, growth and NaCl; NaCl stress, leaf composition; saccharides, sugars, NaCl stress; salinity, leaf composition; salinity tolerance, in vitro growth; vine, chlorophyll, NaCl stress; Vitis vinifera

Published: August 1, 2000  Show citation

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Singh, S.K., Sharma, H.C., Goswami, A.M., Datta, S.P., & Singh, S.P. (2000). In vitro Growth and Leaf Composition of Grapevine Cultivars as Affected by Sodium Chloride. Biologia plantarum43(2), 283-286. doi: 10.1023/A:1002720714781
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