Nowadays, information is provided through diverse network channels and, above all, its diffusion occurs in an always faster and pervasive manner. Social Media (SM) plays a crucial role in distributing, in an uncontrolled way, news, opinions, media contents and so on, and can basically contribute to spread information that sometimes are untrue and misleading. An integrated assessment of the trustworthiness of the information that is delivered is claimed from different sides: the Secure! project strictly fits in such a context. The project has been studying and developing a service oriented infrastructure which, by resorting at diverse technological tools based on image forensics, source reputation analysis, Twitter message trend analysis, web source retrieval and crawling, and so on, provides an integrated event assessment especially regarding crisis management. The aim of this paper is to present an interesting case-study which demonstrates the potentiality of the developed system to achieve a new integrated knowledge.
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This work was partially supported by the SECURE! Project, funded by the POR CreO FESR 2007–2013 programme of the Tuscany Region (Italy).
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Appendix: Definition of terms
Appendix: Definition of terms
The term event is defined as “an occurrence within a particular system or domain; it is something that has happened, or is contemplated as having happened in that domain” [10]. In the Secure! project this definition considers those events that happen in the real world and are represented in computing systems through structured information. Hence, in the Secure! project, each event contains the texture description of the real event, the time/space (when/where it happened), the entity involved and the source that generated it. For sake of clarity we define the terms micro-event, complex-event and situation. The term micro-event refers to a simple real event involving one entity only (e.g., people, fire presence, logo recognition, weapon detection) that could be critical or not, therefore the framework needs to analyze it in detail by using other available information. On the other hand, complex-events are the aggregation, correlation and integration result of the information contained in a set of micro-events which are correlated by spatial, temporal and causal relations defined by correlation rules. A complex-event suggests a situation in progress or a part of it (e.g., people demonstration with the presence of crowd and police, vandalism smearing monuments). In the Secure! project complex-events have been classified through an event taxonomy 1. With the term situation, as defined in [1], we intend “one or more complex-event occurrence that might require a reaction”. When a critical situation happens a number of specific complex-events occur, the commixture and the correlation of them identifies the specific situation in progress requiring appropriate reactions, for example providing first aid or police intervention.
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Amerini, I., Becarelli, R., Brancati, F. et al. Media trustworthiness verification and event assessment through an integrated framework: a case-study. Multimed Tools Appl 76, 7197–7212 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-016-3303-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-016-3303-8