Recently, Luc defined a dual program for a multiple objective linear program. The dual problem is also a multiple objective linear problem and the weak duality and strong duality theorems for these primal and dual problems have been established. Here, we use these results to prove some relationships between multiple objective linear primal and dual problems. We extend the available results on single objective linear primal and dual problems to multiple objective linear primal and dual problems. Complementary slackness conditions for efficient solutions, and conditions for the existence of weakly efficient solution sets and existence of strictly primal and dual feasible points are established. We show that primal-dual (weakly) efficient solutions satisfying strictly complementary conditions exist. Furthermore, we consider Isermann’s and Kolumban’s dual problems and establish conditions for the existence of strictly primal and dual feasible points. We show the existence of primal-dual feasible points satisfying strictly complementary conditions for Isermann’s dual problem. Also, we give an alternative proof to establish necessary conditions for weakly efficient solutions of multiple objective programs, assuming the Kuhn–Tucker (KT) constraint qualification. We also provide a new condition to ensure the KT constraint qualification.
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The authors thank the Research Council of Sharif University of Technology for supporting this work. They also sincerely thank the two anonymous referees and Thierry Marchant, Editor-in-Chief, for their constructive remarks resulting in an improved presentation of the manuscript.
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Mahdavi-Amiri, N., Salehi Sadaghiani, F. Strictly feasible solutions and strict complementarity in multiple objective linear optimization. 4OR-Q J Oper Res 15, 303–326 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10288-016-0338-7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10288-016-0338-7
- Multiple objective programming
- Duality
- Strictly complementary conditions
- Strictly feasible points
- Farkas’ lemma
- Primal-dual weakly efficient solutions
- Constraint qualification