2022 Volume E105.A Issue 3 Pages 231-241
In secure multiparty computation (MPC), floating-point numbers should be handled in many potential applications, but these are basically expensive. In particular, for MPC based on secret sharing (SS), the floating-point addition takes many communication rounds though the addition is the most fundamental operation. In this paper, we propose an SS-based two-party protocol for floating-point addition with 13 rounds (for single/double precision numbers), which is much fewer than the milestone work of Aliasgari et al. in NDSS 2013 (34 and 36 rounds, respectively) and also fewer than the state of the art in the literature. Moreover, in contrast to the existing SS-based protocols which are all based on “roundTowardZero” rounding mode in the IEEE 754 standard, we propose another protocol with 15 rounds which is the first result realizing more accurate “roundTiesToEven” rounding mode. We also discuss possible applications of the latter protocol to secure Validated Numerics (a.k.a. Rigorous Computation) by implementing a simple example.