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asciinema is free and open-source software. Sustainability of its development relies on donations and sponsorships. Please help the software project you use and love.

Your support:

  • allows asciinema lead developer, Marcin Kulik, to spend more time on implementing requested features, fixing bugs and helping the community,
  • covers maintenance costs of running asciinema's main hosting site, asciinema.org, such as servers, domains, DNS, backup storage space, etc, keeping it free for everyone,
  • grants you a "Supporter" badge on your asciinema.org user profile.


To donate via Github Sponsors click the button below:

❤️  Donate

To donate via Liberapay click the button below:

Donate using Liberapay

Send Bitcoin to:

You can also reach out via to discuss best funds transfer option.

Corporate sponsorship

If your company uses asciinema, either in a product or internally, please consider giving back by becoming a sponsor.

Also, if your product's target audience overlaps with asciinema userbase (sysadmins/ops, developers), sponsoring the project lets you reach them by getting your logo/link on asciinema.org, in Github repositories, or on asciinema blog.

Check out the sponsorship tiers by clicking the button below:

❤️  Sponsor

Other than funding you can support the project by providing free services/resources like compute, storage, DNS, CDN, which could help lowering operational costs of running asciinema.org.

For custom sponsorship deals reach out via .

Shout-out to asciinema's current sponsors:


Another way of supporting the project is to use consulting services offered by asciinema's lead developer. If asciinema doesn't support your use-case and you wish it did, consider this option. It's a win-win!