Bitrise offers Xcode and Linux stacks. Each stack has a large number of pre-installed tools.
Both Linux and Xcode stacks are available on several different build machine types. Each machine type offers several options with varying computing power, depending on your subscription plan. You can configure a default machine type for each of your app and you can also set Workflow-specific machine types. You can do this when selecting stacks for your app: Setting the stack for your builds.
Changing machine types using the API
You can also change build machine types for all apps owned by a single user or Workspace using the API: Changing machine types in all apps at the same time.
Each Bitrise build machine has its own IP address range: you can allowlist these IP addresses to be able to access our build machines from, for example, a private cloud: Configuring network access with IP allowlists
For more information about build and code security, see Code security.